PICC line question


New member
Hey guys.

I was reading the thread on the infrared and fluoro for PICC insertion and it got me thinking about this.

I know they numb the area before they insert the line or attempt to insert the line, but do you guys feel pressure when they are inserting it. I am not meaning pressure on the outside of your arm when they are sticking you and inserting the line, I meaning pressure IN your arm as the line is going into your body. I have always had a sensation in my arm as the line is being progressed through the vein. It freaks the nurses out because they will hear me kind of sigh or gasp because it is an uncomfy thing to feel - not painful just a strange sensation could almost make me kind of lightheaded. I also have the same thing as they pull the line out at the end of IV treatment. I could at anytime probably point out where in my arm the end of the line is. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this because the nurses I see at the hospital always act like it is a rare thing for people to have that sensation. I just have a hard time believing that more people don't feel it is all.

Have a good one,


New member
Well I've only ever had a picc once, but I didn't feel a thing. Just the pressure of it first going through the skin, and then that was it.


New member
Yep Lindsay, i know what u r talking about! im not sure how many
piccs u have had but i have had plenty. i now have a portocath (is
that what u guys call em over there?). the reason w decided i could
actually strart to feel the picc line going in was becauuse my
veins were pretty scarred up  and the line kept doubling
back!! freaky. so in answer to ur question , yeah i could feel
where the line was IN my arm. by the way, after saying i was NEVER
getting a port, it is now a well loved amigo. :) 


New member
I too can feel that pressure feeling as they're threading it thru the vein & the first time I had a PICC and they pulled it out when I was done with IV's I almost passed out from that sensation. So you're not alone. I know exactly what you're talking about! Glad to know I'm not the only one that feels this.


New member
Been there, done that! Remember that the cream only does so much & its mainly for the external area for the initial insertion. I have also had novacain instead of the cream which seems to help a bit more since it goes under the skin! Its quite a creep, leg jellying (if there is such a word) feeling at times~


New member
Wierd, because when I got my picc they didn't give me a numbing cream. It was actually a needle with stuff in it that they inserted into my arm to freeze the vien, so that's probably why I didn't feel the picc going in and up. All I felt was my arm going cold.


New member
I know I loved my picc. My picc became my best friend while in hospital, because for the first 3 days I had to get about 8 IVs because my viens kept blowing. I was initially freaked out about getting one, but once I had it I loved it. The next time I'm in hospital, I will definitly be requesting one right away.


New member

I always feel the pressure/pushing to get it in, and the wire being pulled out after its been inserted.
and even for days after its inserted i have pain in that area . the nurses always said that when they put the 'introducer' in-the huge fat needle that lets the little tube go in, its basically like ripping your muscle apart.


New member
wanted to add-
I always wince/make weird noises. not that's it super painful , but its such an uncomfortable sensation.
and for some reason, i'm very super sensitive to lidocaine/novacaine. and it is extremely painful to me when they stick me. i usually tear up-i'm not scared, its just so painful to me i can't help the tears flow.


New member
Thanks for the info everyone. I had mine put in in my hospital room with no numbing or anything by the picc nurse. In fact they went totally thru the first vein and had to switch arms. Very stressful and painful. Now I know what to ask for including radiology. Lisa S.


New member
Yes definitey ask for radiology!!!

I felt the whole thing even with the cream (any numbing device has never really worked for me, including novicaine at the dentist) and finally after an hour the nurses gave up because they were too stressed about how they were hurting me. They called radiology and it went it very quickly. Now I require that radiology put it in.

Also, when they pulled it one time, I did faint and had to go to the hospital. So now I have to lay down when they pull it and they have to do it very very slowly.

But you are not alone when it comes to the pressure feeling<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I always feel when a PICC line is being inserted or taken out. Whenever I make a face because of it, the doctors/nurses always think I'm wincing in pain and that something might not be quite right until I tell them it's just a really weird feeling. I wouldn't go far enough to say it feels like bugs under my skin, but I can too probably point out exactly where the line is when it's going in or out. Creepy.


New member
WOW. I didn't expect to get that many responses so quickly. I knew I couldn't be the only oddball who got that sensation. Nice to know we are all oddballs
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">.

Now when I get mine done they are under flouro with lidocaine injection near the insert site. When I had them done as a ped they used emla cream and just did it on the floor ... then sent me for an xray afterwards to make sure it was placed properly. Now I think they do flouro and lidocaine for peds as well, but I am not 100%.

I would definitely reccomend going to radiology for your PICC especially if you are a hard stick. I have become a hard stick and would rather saw my arm of then let the nurse attempt a PICC. They can barely get an peripheral IV started - not bashing the nurses just that I am a difficult stick for most people.

Thanks for all of the replies.


New member
Yep...I'm in the club too. I always feel like I can feel it. A few
times I swear I hear "popping" sounds and that FREAKED me
out and made me a little queezy. I dred getting PICCs in, but I
ALWAYS get them done in Radiology. If a nurse comes to my bedside
saying she is going to insert my PICC....I'm like "ok,
sure...when H!#@ freezes over lady!"
<img src="">


New member
I've had two PICCs - one vein had no sensitivity at all and the other I could feel the treading of the line all the way until my shoulder.


New member
The worst part about the PICC for me is the numbing part, after that, i don't feel anything really, just a little sensation.

I do have ugly scars on my arm from the PICC lines though. I don't heal well so I guess that is why.

Also, about a week after getting the PICC Line out my arm is very, very, sore. I am considering getting a port in, but the thought of having something in my body for the rest of my life, doesn't thrill me...
I get freaky about those kind of things.