Picker Eater!!!!


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Reece is such a picker eater. He only eats....wendy's nuggets, pudding, ice cream, chicken blues & m&m's. No veggies!!!! He weighs 31 lbs, but has been this weight for like more than a year!!!! Can ya'll give me any tips so that he will eat veggies or more then junk. He eats pudding for breakfast.....I've tried not giving anything to him to show that I was serious about him eating "right". But he won & I gave in cuz he pitched such a fit....I felt like I was depriving him. HELP!!!!
Leah mommy 2 Reece~3yrs old w/ CF<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


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does he like peanut butter? I put a spoonful of PB with baby carotts sticking up like trees and he eats the carots with the PB. I do the same with apples. I hope that helps!


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My little girl doesnt weigh but a couple more pounds than your son and she is almost 5 1/2. What are Chicken Blues? Are they together with the m&m's? Sorry bout the brain freeze tonight...lol.
Offer ranch dressing with any kind of veggie, this works with one of my kids and not the other.


New member
chicken blues are what we call chicken courdon blues.....battered chicken w/ ham & provolne cheese...yummy. No he doesnt like PB.....I'll try the ranch dressing. Thanks for the replies.
Leah mommy 2 Reece<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


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My 3 year old (no cf) is pretty picky, too, and has been 29 pounds for about 9 months...so I relate. She'll try new foods, but always decides "I don't like that." She will eat frozen vegetables, especially corn and she like yougurt and yougut drinks. Try garlic bread. I've heard that some picky eaters respond to really strong flavors and if he likes cordon bleu...maybe its worth a shot. We have also had good luck with Kudos bars. Not great for you but some varieties have a decent amount of calcium. Will do do beakfast cereal with no milk on it to "go with" the pudding? I have a rule that if she's having yougurt for breakfast she has to have some thing to "go With" it. My mom keeps telling me she'll grow out of this phase. Hope that's true! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Isabelle 3 no cf
Emily 9 weeks w/cf


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Im suuucch a dork..... I just saw that i spelled picky alllllll wrong...lol sorry thats what I get for staying up sooooooooo late allllllllll week!!!!!! And I NEVER logged in<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> (mome2rt)


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My son is really picky!
He won't eat veggies or fruit and loves the junk which is fine considering the CF side.
However he still needs the others!
He loves fruit juice and I discovered a vege/fruit juice in one that equals 4 servings of fruit and veges per glass.
He drinks several glasses a day and loves it.
I am enjoying secretly winning this battle!
Mother to Matt 2years w/cf and Ella 8 moths Wo/CF


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I never thought about the vegie/fruit juice!!!! That is a great idea...I will try it today! My Avery is becoming more picky every day. My husband and I try to put our foot down and if she doesn't eat what we fix then she doesn't eat at all! I know that sounds strict but she won't starve herself she will eat when she gets hungry! Her weight is pretty good (28 lbs at 2 1/2 yrs) so it is not too stressful for us. I know this technique would not work for everyone.
Good luck!

Lynsey- mom to Avery 2yrs w/CF and Rhett 1yr no CF


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We have the other extreme -- DS loves fruits and veggies, but not really any meats, casseroles.. We put butter and salt on the veggies. He likes peanut butter and fruit juice. I'd just love for him to sit down and eat a regular meal. Drives me nuts. He can have anything he wants to eat, but sticks to the same old stuff.


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I dont really worry too much about how my dd eats because I have her on Juice plus... 17 fruits, veggies and grains in a gummy form. She loves the taste and it getting all the benfits of eating healthy.


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I try not to worry about what DD eats, just make sure she gets her vitamins and enough calories to keep within the 50th-75th percentile. If she wants to eat hamburger hotdish every night for supper for the next two weeks, I'll be happy to fix it. Pudding for breakfast -- or even cookies. I've done that too. I'm not going to fight with her about eating, just giver her some options if she doesn't want to eat what we're having -- peanut butter is in the cupboard, yogurt in the fridge...

My cousin has a little boy who doesn't have CF and she goes thru the same picky eating stuff we go thru. So I like to think it's a picky eating phase, not CF related. The other night he refused to eat ANYTHING because she wouldn't let him have ice cream before supper. They tried to get him to eat at least two bites of supper, no deal.