Picky Toddler Eating again...


Staff member
Seems as if DS is very limited in his choices for meals at home. We blame ourselves, because early on instead of sitting down and having family meals, being pressed for time, we'd fix his food first and we'd eat later.

His latest trick is sitting down at the table and announcing "I don't want that!" And it's usually whatever he asked to eat in the first place. Last week he wanted noodle soup -- I brought out the can and asked for clarification -- you want this? Yes. Sat down and threw a fit about eating it. Wouldn't even try a bite. So then he asked for waffles, which his dad fixed him -- same deal, although he eventually settled down and at one. Grrr!

Drives me absolutely bonkers. I'm to the point of just saying, fine, don't eat. I know he eats at preschool -- although once in awhile the end up feeding him a PB & J. But at least he eats. Probably peer presure.

I just dread meal times -- stressful, long drawn out dramas. Every thing I've read indicates we should make meal times HAPPY times. Don't turn it into a power struggle. Argh! I think I'm getting what I deserve because I recall the green bean incident of 1974 in which I REFUSED to eat one little green bean and sat at the table until my parents gave up and freed me. Seemed like an eternity, was probably only 10 minutes, but I WON! Shaking my head! I swear our son is an alien 'cuz we LOVE food and he could care less. L


New member
I can totally understand you with this one!  They are so
clever.  Just try and stay calm (say's she!).  It'll
pass.  We still live a rollercoaster with our youngest
daughter at mealtimes, but the last week has been great (said it
now!).  Just keep telling yourself the moment will pass.
 I would just give him what he asks for (within reason).
 When he knows he's got a bit of control back, he will
probably stop stressing.  I dunno if this helps, hope so.
 Just hang in there!<br>
Take care.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
You are describing my daughter exactly. She will go in spurts where she eats all the time and will eat a little more variety. Right now she's in a stage where all she wants is Arby's curly fries and cheese. She refuses to eat anything else and usually ends up winning the power struggle because I just want her to eat. I know that it is part of being 4 and they all go through this, but Abby can't afford to NOT eat because I want to win the battle.

Abby also ate better when she was in daycare. I think it's partly because of peer pressure and partly because she knew she couldn't push the daycare ladies around like she can mom and dad.


New member
This might sound harsh, especially for CF kids, but my cousin did it with her son. If he won't eat what you make then exuse him from the table. If he comes to you later saying he's hungry say "Too bad, you had your chance to eat dinner." I'm not saying starve him, but my cousin would give her son a piece of fruit or some crackers, but nothing she had to prepare, not even a PB&J. He won't starve. He's doing this because he can, and you let him do it by making him whatever he asks for even multiple times in one night. I know you don't want a power struggle but you are actually encouraging this behavior by letting him get away with it. It will get worse before it gets better, but you CAN fix this. Just remember that you are the parent and YOU are in charge.


New member
My son constantly throws his food on the floor when he's done eating. Problem is sometimes he feels he's done eating after two bites. Yesterday we were all eating dinner together and he started. We kept telling him no and he kept throwing, and laughing because he thinks its oh so funny. I tell him to take a bite and he does, so we go back to eating. Then he decides he's going to throw it at daddy. I tried so hard not to laugh as the handful of rice hit daddy in the face...I didn't want him to think it was funny or okay. This thread made think of it and laugh.


I know the CF confuses things because you feel conflicted -- you
want him to eat because his health depends on it, but you also know
you have to stand your ground. IMO you have to decide the house
rules and be consistent, whatever they are.  With my boys the
rule was "you eat what is for dinner, or you don't eat."
 And I am still very careful to put on their plates only those
things I know they'll eat.  I might add a veggie or something
my husband and I are eating to add variety.  But there is
always enough on their plates for them to eat.  If they want
seconds of the "fun" stuff  (like chicken nuggets or
garlic bread) they have to TRY the other foods on their plates.
 Meal time is tough and some days my three year old melts
down.  I let him leave the table and just leave his plate on
the table.  If he's hungry later on, the only food he can have
is the dinner he left.  Set rules you can live with, but stick
to them.  It gets better, I promise!!  My 5 year old is
finally following the rules with minimal meltdowns.


Staff member
We have excused him from the table a couple of times -- a lunch told him if he's done he can go take a nap. Just need to be consistent and our summer schedule has been a bit erratic. I just want to scream when I fix him what he asks for and pulls a "I don't like that" trick. Just have to keep working with him an incouraging him to try more things. And I know he DOES eat at preschool, so he's not starving.