My CF friend tried to kill herself this morning. Took an entire bottle of advil. Yeah its a weak painkiller, but its effective if not fast. A friend of mine in highschool tried the same thing, but his father found him passed out on his bedroom floor with time to save him. Its also about the way her boyfriend died, nearly two months ago. Liver failure can take a couple days, and she did it this morning. So her best friend just called her father to get her stomach pumped. Hopefully he wont be a fool and think she's alright and disregard it. I might have to kill him for that.I dont know what exactly caused this. It might've been that today is two months from her dead boyfriend's birthday. The day we calculate that he took the pills that caused his demise. It might've been that she's dwelling on her future- short, and without him. It might've been because today she got kicked out of summer school, her father will be gravely disappointed in her for it, and that is just another huge stressor she cant deal with. Basically just sounds like she is absolutely incredibly stressed. At this point I dont even know how much of it is due to her CF.- - - - - - - - - Just got off the phone with my friend, her best friend. My friend doesnt have faith in her best friend's father, and 2/3 of the actions he might take could very easily result in death. She thinks he might not take it seriously. He might just go home and talk to the girl, and if she says she's alright, take her word for it. Thats a lethal mistake. He might call ahead and say he's coming home, and she would likely leave the house. Be gone long enough for her body to be destroyed beyond saving. Based purely on his options, there is about a 33% chance that her father will save her. Based on how he reacted to the news that his daughter is trying to kill herself, and how he is likely to handle it based on past experience... maybe 10-15%.And so at immense risk of destroying relations with the family and the chances of ever seeing her best friend again, my friend is calling the police. To make sure it is done, and done right. To avoid giving her friend's father a chance to screw things up by inaction or inappropriate action. But whether we see her again or not, she'd be alive.If this puts a mental burden on any of you, I am sorry. I realize that at this point I guess having CF is the least of my friend's problems, and so out of your field. Unless some of you happen to be therapists? How can I help her to survive the memory of her boyfriend? Actually.... I think this is extremely relevant to CF, because he was supposed to be her future. He was her way of dealing with CF. They were to be married, and have children. When she died, her husband and best friend would raise the kids.I guess what I need from you all, is the wisdom of experience. For those of you diagnosed at birth, how did you deal with it as a teenager? Did you try to plan your future as she did? She needs something to live for. A way to go on. I will do as much as I can to see that she gets physically active, but what else? Please think on this, I need very serious responses. The more the merrier but the deeper the better, and time is of the essence.-----------------------Dave21 \ M \ w/oCFCF SympathizerBleeding HeartShared AnguishI dont ask that anyone emails me responses or anything of the sort as I did before. I WILL be back to this site.