My son is 20 months old and sinse he was 4 months old he has had cough after cough.In august he was in hospital for a week with phnumonia(sorry bout spelling) He has had his last cough for 11 weeks now. When he went for his check up at the hospital on tuesday the doctor said he was going to do blood tests to find out if he has cf. From what i have read on the net its not done by a blood test, its done by a sweat test. My son has not gained weight sinse he was 10 months, coughs, colds, eye infections, ear infections. He has had an immunity test and that was fine.
The hospital i go to has the highest death rate and they also left my son just lying there for 3 days when he had phnumonia before they did any tests to find out what was wrong> i just need to make sure that they are doing this right. Please help. any advice welcome.
The hospital i go to has the highest death rate and they also left my son just lying there for 3 days when he had phnumonia before they did any tests to find out what was wrong> i just need to make sure that they are doing this right. Please help. any advice welcome.