Please help, need info on CF


New member
Hi please could someone help me, my 14 month old nephew who has been sick for about 6mths with URTI and RTI and recently he had some gastrointestinal problems and huge loss of weight - about 5kgs in a week, because of the system in the UK up until now he has only been seen by a GP who kept tellling my sister to get on with it babies get sick! they finally reffered him to a pead who has ordered a sweat test and immunology tests/IgE test which he has today, which understand the norm when a child has repeated RTI's, hopefully they come back negative, but if they dont, what are the treatments available these days and what is the prognosis like for a child with CF? I am also a nursing student- in South Africa- so my interest also academic.

thanks in advance for any help, sorry if I rambled a bit, its the worry

Jess - Aunty to Dylan 14mths possible cfer


New member
Sweat tests usually get you the results the same or next day so you shouldn't have to wait to long with your worries.

A good place to start learning about CF is the website <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> This the major U.S. CF organization and is a reliable source of balanced information. There's probably a similar website from the UK. You'll also find lots of other discussion threads on this forum so you might want to do a search here too