Please help, we might be going homeless


New member
the landlord was here...looking for rent money

i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together.

I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money.

or even how they could even live with themselves =(

we had things going for us not long ago. things were hard but we had things going for us. And now since someone had sticky fingers we can barely afford to keep our car which is only 100 bucks a month let alone our apartment. Keeping his fine paid is impossible =( If he throw him in jail its for 6 months, he would miss the baby's birth and everything =( he got wreckless op. and a drug charge, but hes been clean ever since then. ive made sure of it.

i feel like crying. like i need to cry to releave some stress, but im afraid too. and people wonder why i am so anti social to people.


we asked for help and everything but it seems he cant find a job. anywhere. Im to my wits end anymore. i just feel like i cant trust anyone anymore. i feel like i have to sell everything i own just to stay up there where we were. my game cube and games. our birds maybe someone would buy them, our table and chairs, everything that is nice, our hand made coffee table and chair set. computer, everything.

this is crazy im even thinkin life would be better not living. and thats not me, not since i met my husband. i cant take life anymore, i cant take not being able to buy our unborn baby a crib or even a lamp for god sakes. i pray everynight that something good would happen and it never does. i dont know what to do anymor =(


New member
the landlord was here...looking for rent money

i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together.

I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money.

or even how they could even live with themselves =(

we had things going for us not long ago. things were hard but we had things going for us. And now since someone had sticky fingers we can barely afford to keep our car which is only 100 bucks a month let alone our apartment. Keeping his fine paid is impossible =( If he throw him in jail its for 6 months, he would miss the baby's birth and everything =( he got wreckless op. and a drug charge, but hes been clean ever since then. ive made sure of it.

i feel like crying. like i need to cry to releave some stress, but im afraid too. and people wonder why i am so anti social to people.


we asked for help and everything but it seems he cant find a job. anywhere. Im to my wits end anymore. i just feel like i cant trust anyone anymore. i feel like i have to sell everything i own just to stay up there where we were. my game cube and games. our birds maybe someone would buy them, our table and chairs, everything that is nice, our hand made coffee table and chair set. computer, everything.

this is crazy im even thinkin life would be better not living. and thats not me, not since i met my husband. i cant take life anymore, i cant take not being able to buy our unborn baby a crib or even a lamp for god sakes. i pray everynight that something good would happen and it never does. i dont know what to do anymor =(


New member
the landlord was here...looking for rent money

i couldnt give her a dime because we dont have a dime...seriously! we dont have two nickles to rub together.

I hope who ever stole our money at the wedding stole over 4 hundred dollars. which was rent bill money.

or even how they could even live with themselves =(

we had things going for us not long ago. things were hard but we had things going for us. And now since someone had sticky fingers we can barely afford to keep our car which is only 100 bucks a month let alone our apartment. Keeping his fine paid is impossible =( If he throw him in jail its for 6 months, he would miss the baby's birth and everything =( he got wreckless op. and a drug charge, but hes been clean ever since then. ive made sure of it.

i feel like crying. like i need to cry to releave some stress, but im afraid too. and people wonder why i am so anti social to people.


we asked for help and everything but it seems he cant find a job. anywhere. Im to my wits end anymore. i just feel like i cant trust anyone anymore. i feel like i have to sell everything i own just to stay up there where we were. my game cube and games. our birds maybe someone would buy them, our table and chairs, everything that is nice, our hand made coffee table and chair set. computer, everything.

this is crazy im even thinkin life would be better not living. and thats not me, not since i met my husband. i cant take life anymore, i cant take not being able to buy our unborn baby a crib or even a lamp for god sakes. i pray everynight that something good would happen and it never does. i dont know what to do anymor =(


New member
What about calling your local utility company and asking for any programs to help pay bills? They have them, and they are usually most active in the winter months.

Have you gotten on a list for subsidized housing? They can help pay part or all of your rent, sometimes even help with utilities.

Call the salvation army, they can give money to your landlord if you have an eviction notice for failure to pay, same thing with the utilities.

Apply for food stamps to get some money for groceries, and go to a food bank.

Hope some of these ideas help, I'm not sure where you live...


New member
What about calling your local utility company and asking for any programs to help pay bills? They have them, and they are usually most active in the winter months.

Have you gotten on a list for subsidized housing? They can help pay part or all of your rent, sometimes even help with utilities.

Call the salvation army, they can give money to your landlord if you have an eviction notice for failure to pay, same thing with the utilities.

Apply for food stamps to get some money for groceries, and go to a food bank.

Hope some of these ideas help, I'm not sure where you live...


New member
What about calling your local utility company and asking for any programs to help pay bills? They have them, and they are usually most active in the winter months.

Have you gotten on a list for subsidized housing? They can help pay part or all of your rent, sometimes even help with utilities.

Call the salvation army, they can give money to your landlord if you have an eviction notice for failure to pay, same thing with the utilities.

Apply for food stamps to get some money for groceries, and go to a food bank.

Hope some of these ideas help, I'm not sure where you live...


New member
Check into social assistance (welfare) in your area as well. I am sure that there are some resources for you to use. Julie has come up with some good ideas as well. Food banks are a good idea, as well cut back on all expenses you really don't need, i.e. cable, internet. I know it may be hard, but you can do it.

I do hope that things work out for you Vampy. I really do. I know what its like to be at rock bottom with no money, etc.


New member
Check into social assistance (welfare) in your area as well. I am sure that there are some resources for you to use. Julie has come up with some good ideas as well. Food banks are a good idea, as well cut back on all expenses you really don't need, i.e. cable, internet. I know it may be hard, but you can do it.

I do hope that things work out for you Vampy. I really do. I know what its like to be at rock bottom with no money, etc.


New member
Check into social assistance (welfare) in your area as well. I am sure that there are some resources for you to use. Julie has come up with some good ideas as well. Food banks are a good idea, as well cut back on all expenses you really don't need, i.e. cable, internet. I know it may be hard, but you can do it.

I do hope that things work out for you Vampy. I really do. I know what its like to be at rock bottom with no money, etc.


New member
Definately put ion a call to your state's dept of human services, and if they don't get back to you within a couple days, keep calling! They're infamous for not calling back. Tell them you are pregnant and its urgent. There are a lot of programs that can help, even emergency rent programs.

Try looking for baby stuff at thrift stores or consignment shops, I know its nice to have all brand new baby stuff, but I had to get a lot of used stuff and it did just fine. At first you'll really just need a bassinett or cradle, a carseat, and a swing, in my opinion, for the big ticket baby stuff. The crib and toys and all can wait a little longer. I got a ton of used baby clothes in really good condition, and other necessities from the salvation army thrift shop and yard sales.

Go ahead and cry if you need to, you may feel a little better after. Don't try to hold everything in. Sell what you don't need if you can, or bring it to a pawn shop. Don't worry yourself sick, things will turn around eventually.

I'm so sorry to hear someone stole from your wedding, how pathetic they are!

I'm sorry I can't be of more help! There are programs out there to help! And try to get your husband to make looking for a new job his full time job! Go out 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, looking for a job, doing interviews, looking in the help wanted ads. I know what you mean about the fines. My hubby had some from tickets that didn't get paid that turned into suspended license and then got caught driving on a suspended. The fines can be hard, never mind days out of work for court or the DMV. They may be able to put him on a payment plan thats less a month for longer if you explain the situation to the judge. As soon as we missed a payment we'd have another court date, hence more fines, and it never ends until its all paid.

Maybe if worse comes to worse a loan could help, or even a personal loan from a family member.

Oh I hope this helps some! I was in a similar situation and thank god for my in-laws who remodeled their basement into a two bedroom apt. for us with very cheap rent or I don't know where we'd be.

Hang in there!


New member
Definately put ion a call to your state's dept of human services, and if they don't get back to you within a couple days, keep calling! They're infamous for not calling back. Tell them you are pregnant and its urgent. There are a lot of programs that can help, even emergency rent programs.

Try looking for baby stuff at thrift stores or consignment shops, I know its nice to have all brand new baby stuff, but I had to get a lot of used stuff and it did just fine. At first you'll really just need a bassinett or cradle, a carseat, and a swing, in my opinion, for the big ticket baby stuff. The crib and toys and all can wait a little longer. I got a ton of used baby clothes in really good condition, and other necessities from the salvation army thrift shop and yard sales.

Go ahead and cry if you need to, you may feel a little better after. Don't try to hold everything in. Sell what you don't need if you can, or bring it to a pawn shop. Don't worry yourself sick, things will turn around eventually.

I'm so sorry to hear someone stole from your wedding, how pathetic they are!

I'm sorry I can't be of more help! There are programs out there to help! And try to get your husband to make looking for a new job his full time job! Go out 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, looking for a job, doing interviews, looking in the help wanted ads. I know what you mean about the fines. My hubby had some from tickets that didn't get paid that turned into suspended license and then got caught driving on a suspended. The fines can be hard, never mind days out of work for court or the DMV. They may be able to put him on a payment plan thats less a month for longer if you explain the situation to the judge. As soon as we missed a payment we'd have another court date, hence more fines, and it never ends until its all paid.

Maybe if worse comes to worse a loan could help, or even a personal loan from a family member.

Oh I hope this helps some! I was in a similar situation and thank god for my in-laws who remodeled their basement into a two bedroom apt. for us with very cheap rent or I don't know where we'd be.

Hang in there!


New member
Definately put ion a call to your state's dept of human services, and if they don't get back to you within a couple days, keep calling! They're infamous for not calling back. Tell them you are pregnant and its urgent. There are a lot of programs that can help, even emergency rent programs.

Try looking for baby stuff at thrift stores or consignment shops, I know its nice to have all brand new baby stuff, but I had to get a lot of used stuff and it did just fine. At first you'll really just need a bassinett or cradle, a carseat, and a swing, in my opinion, for the big ticket baby stuff. The crib and toys and all can wait a little longer. I got a ton of used baby clothes in really good condition, and other necessities from the salvation army thrift shop and yard sales.

Go ahead and cry if you need to, you may feel a little better after. Don't try to hold everything in. Sell what you don't need if you can, or bring it to a pawn shop. Don't worry yourself sick, things will turn around eventually.

I'm so sorry to hear someone stole from your wedding, how pathetic they are!

I'm sorry I can't be of more help! There are programs out there to help! And try to get your husband to make looking for a new job his full time job! Go out 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, looking for a job, doing interviews, looking in the help wanted ads. I know what you mean about the fines. My hubby had some from tickets that didn't get paid that turned into suspended license and then got caught driving on a suspended. The fines can be hard, never mind days out of work for court or the DMV. They may be able to put him on a payment plan thats less a month for longer if you explain the situation to the judge. As soon as we missed a payment we'd have another court date, hence more fines, and it never ends until its all paid.

Maybe if worse comes to worse a loan could help, or even a personal loan from a family member.

Oh I hope this helps some! I was in a similar situation and thank god for my in-laws who remodeled their basement into a two bedroom apt. for us with very cheap rent or I don't know where we'd be.

Hang in there!


New member
Do as everyone else suggested for help on rent. There is probably an emergency infant services in your area and they will help with a crib and whatever else you need.
Stop talking about not living...k?
I will be praying for you all. I could call you and you could cry all you want.


New member
Do as everyone else suggested for help on rent. There is probably an emergency infant services in your area and they will help with a crib and whatever else you need.
Stop talking about not living...k?
I will be praying for you all. I could call you and you could cry all you want.


New member
Do as everyone else suggested for help on rent. There is probably an emergency infant services in your area and they will help with a crib and whatever else you need.
Stop talking about not living...k?
I will be praying for you all. I could call you and you could cry all you want.


New member
I dont have anything to add since everything i was going to suggest was already said, but i wanted to let you know i've been in that position before and i know its hard and scary. I hope you can get help asap. Good luck !


New member
I dont have anything to add since everything i was going to suggest was already said, but i wanted to let you know i've been in that position before and i know its hard and scary. I hope you can get help asap. Good luck !