Please share comments on pregnancy and cf


New member
Looking to see if every one would share some expierences of their cf or cf carrier pregnancy good or bad. Also comments of doctors or family


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One of the CF moms on this site created this website, it might answer a lot of your questions (copy and paste to your browser)



New member
My daughter is the one who created the Web site that Julie referred to. She had a great pregnancy, birth and now has an incredible daughter (I'm grandma, I get to say that!). She found that even her CF docs were not up to date on the latest research re: CF and pregancy. I highly recommend her site. She not only shares her own experience, but also links to research about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.


New member
Hi I posted this ? and tried to look up this site all I get is a blank page is it not working for everyone?

thanx for tring to help w/my ?


New member
I just now opened it up to make sure that there were no problems and it came right up for me. Try clicking on this link <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http:///">Text</a> to see if that works. Sorry for the problems!


New member
Oops! I tried to set up a hyperlink, but it obviously didn't work. Let's try this again <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=" "> </a> . Now, hopefully that will work. Sorry!


New member
O.K. I just tried it and got an error message. I'll let Holly know there's a problem and see if she can get it up and running. That's weird because it was working yesterday.


New member
Well, my name is Jen and I'm pregnant and don't know yet if my baby is effected with CF. I do not have CF but my husband and I are carriers of the gene. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I will have an amnio done in March. I hate the wait. I'm so back and forth. One minute I think the baby will be fine, then the next I'm scared to death and feel the odds are so high. Sometimes 1 in 4 feels more like 50/50. I'll let you all know the outcome. Please pray for us.


New member
it was written down wrong. cities was misspelled.Now try to cut and paste it. It's also in my signature line.<A class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="" target=blank></A>It should be working fine.To Jen, hang in there. Having a baby with CF is hard, but it isn't the end of the world. I love my life. I know that my family loves my life - even though it has been hard for us at times. Just remember that everyone has hardships and trials. If your baby does end up with CF, you have an advantage (you really can look at it this way - I do) because you can pretty much anticipate where your hardships are going to come from. You can research and plan ahead, you can be proactive. There are risks to amnio including infection and increased risk of miscarriage. Weigh whether or not this result will really help you. If you just plan on having a baby with CF, you can be pleasantly surprised if he/she doesn't! Don't take anmio or other prenatal tests too lightly. I had all the standard tests done during my pregnancy and over half of them were WRONG! You can read about that on my website.Email me if you have questions. This is my specialty!


New member
I found out that my daughter would have CF while I was pregnant. We went through with the amnio and the wait is torture. Knowing ahead of time what to expect got me through some of the tough days when she was born and hospitalized for 2 weeks. The docs put her on enzymes right away and really watched her closely. Now she's almost 2 (next month) and has been a very healty energentic toddler. Also knowing in advance, I was able to meet with her soon to be CF doctors and meet the nurses at the CF clinic. I even went to a couple of CF support groups while pregnant to meet other parents. For me, it was better to know so I could prepare and learn everything I could about CF. Just keep your positive attitude no matter what the outcome is. Good luck

Becky mommy to emma (23 months w/CF)


New member
Lil Strawberry Shortness, I'm not understanding what you mean. Are you asking about the child of a person with CF, or a child with CF.
Please go check my website. It not only gives lots of information on people with CF having children, but under what circumstances it is optimal or safest. There are a few situations that are general contraindications for a pregnancy (as a person with CF) but they are related to specific complications of your existing health.
If you have specific questions after checking the website, feel free to contact me (you can do so from here or email me from the link on my site).
If the questions are regarding pregnancy with a child who has or potentially has CF, or a child with CF (post-birth), those are in a different category and I'll be happy to help address those if I can.
Please clarify.

HollyCatheryn (sorry I'm not logged in)
25 w/CF, mom of 2 1/2 year old daughter w/o CF

Fertility, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Breastfeeding for Adults with CF
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Text</a>
No, i mean...if you ( a person with CF) have a it very possible nothing will be wrong with him/her? as in...him/her having CF too? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> (sorry if its a stupid question..i seem to ask alot of those...)


New member
Brandi, the only way your child could have CF if you got pregnant... would be if your boyfriend (Carlo, in this case) carried the gene. If he doesn't carry the CF gene, it is impossible that your child would have CF, though likely that they'd carry the gene.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> oh goodie...i hope he doesnt..i would be so devistated if anything was wrong with my baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> (hehe you know how badly i want one!)


New member

Your web site is nice, but I don't really understand how you can say that this is your "specialty." Sure, you've had a baby, have told your own personal story & have done some resarch, but does that really make it your specialty? I don't know; maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but it seems like you are trying to come across as an expert on something that you have basic knowledge of.

Your daughter is beautiful, by the way.


New member
She may not have any kind of degree, but HollyCatheryn sure seems to know what she's talking about. I don't have any medical degree, but I can confidently say CF is my specialty. I might even be so bold as to say I'm an expert. There's still a lot I have to learn about it (especially stuff regarding things like tx, because I have yet to go through them), but I'd say I have a pretty good understanding, and generally know what I'm talking about. Holly may not be an obgyn or what have you, but in my experience, she's had very insightful and helpful (I can't get pregnant myself, but I've seen others that she's helped) things to say about pregnancy and all that. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">