Please someone, I need support



Alex, Hi
Sorry that your having a very hard time with all of this. I have a 17 year old daughter who hates taking all the meds and doing treatments. She has suffered with OCD since age 3 but has takes meds to control it. She has had bouts of depression which goes in cycles. I think being young and a teenager this is a very hard life to deal with. My daughter has taken the stand that it could be worse. She could have been born without limbs, loss of sight and the list goes on. She is at a point now in her life that the CF will not control or run her life, she will. Keep in mind she has not been off of antibiotics more then 2 weeks since October.

Do you have someone close to you that can help you? I think people with Cf need a very strong support system. Do you have that? I wish I had some magic word of wisdom to give you. All I can say is you have every right to be angry, pissed off and question the why. You need to make plans for a future and move forward to that future.

Not sure if this has helped you in anyway.


Alex, Hi
Sorry that your having a very hard time with all of this. I have a 17 year old daughter who hates taking all the meds and doing treatments. She has suffered with OCD since age 3 but has takes meds to control it. She has had bouts of depression which goes in cycles. I think being young and a teenager this is a very hard life to deal with. My daughter has taken the stand that it could be worse. She could have been born without limbs, loss of sight and the list goes on. She is at a point now in her life that the CF will not control or run her life, she will. Keep in mind she has not been off of antibiotics more then 2 weeks since October.

Do you have someone close to you that can help you? I think people with Cf need a very strong support system. Do you have that? I wish I had some magic word of wisdom to give you. All I can say is you have every right to be angry, pissed off and question the why. You need to make plans for a future and move forward to that future.

Not sure if this has helped you in anyway.


Alex, Hi
<br />Sorry that your having a very hard time with all of this. I have a 17 year old daughter who hates taking all the meds and doing treatments. She has suffered with OCD since age 3 but has takes meds to control it. She has had bouts of depression which goes in cycles. I think being young and a teenager this is a very hard life to deal with. My daughter has taken the stand that it could be worse. She could have been born without limbs, loss of sight and the list goes on. She is at a point now in her life that the CF will not control or run her life, she will. Keep in mind she has not been off of antibiotics more then 2 weeks since October.
<br />
<br />Do you have someone close to you that can help you? I think people with Cf need a very strong support system. Do you have that? I wish I had some magic word of wisdom to give you. All I can say is you have every right to be angry, pissed off and question the why. You need to make plans for a future and move forward to that future.
<br />
<br />Not sure if this has helped you in anyway.