Poem From a Father


New member
Maybe this should have been posted in the off topic section, but I wanted to share it with parents who might not look there. My husband wrote this shortly after our daughter was diagnosed 5 years ago (she is now 5 1/2 and is doing awesome!!!!!). I think it speaks words and would like some input.


this poem is for you
"what people do"
turn skies blue
remove lung's glue

her parent's arms
wrap you warm
the gracious gifts
"what people do"

by the time she's two
"what people do"
will make her first words

a little thing
for an ultimate dream
a hapy tear
a lung clear

"what people do"
will get us through


Hey does anyone else write poetry? I wrote this one for my twin boys, during one of their really bad times.

Keep on Going

My boys are little fighters
This battle they must win
They have to keep on going
They must never give in

My boys have to be strong
And their hearts full of hope
They have to keep on going
If they are ever going to cope

Their lives have been a struggle
Every mile stone is a joy
They have to keep on going
To be normal little boys

My boys have brought many tears
But much happiness too
They have to keep on going
And to themselves be true

This fight is a battle
I know they will not defeat
But they will go down fighting
For they can never be beat
