Poop - colour / floaty/


New member
Ok, so I've always been pretty relaxed about taking my creon. I ALWAYS take them but I know some people who are rigorous when it comes to calculating how many they'll need, and I've never been like that. In fact I don't even know HOW to calculate, I just 'go with what works'. Anyway my question is this...'What does normal stool look like'.

-obviously it shouldn't float right??
- Should the colour be Dark (chocolate) brown / the brown that's around the Boomer esiason foundation logo/ Terracotter/ Light Tan-orangy brown/ yellow?? (Ok I know it shouldn't be orange or yellow but im still just asking)
-how many times should you be going a day

Thats all I can think of right now. Thankyou! Anon (or for sake of discussion, ''Homer'')


New member
Howdy Homer. I can't help you much, I too go with "what works." As long as I'm not crapping pure oil, or feel like I'm losing all of my inner organs when I go, I'm okay. Mine floats probably more often than it should (assuming that you're right and it shouldn't?)... but hell. Like I said, no @sshole tearing, no oily butt, and I'm happy.


New member
Hmm...mine usually sink right to the bottom of the bowl. As for colour, I've heard that the darker it is, the older it is. My ex went for a colon cleaner (can't remember what the procedure is called), but the doctor who did it, said that black can mean old (so long as you're not having any other digestive/poop issues), and that white (yes, white) poo is super old stuff. I would imagine that green is a signal for something wrong, and that tan or a dark brown would mean fine. With me, I'm happy so long as its not liquid I'm ridding myself of, or oil. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
That's it. They flush warm water up there to loosen everything up, and then you poop all the nasty stuff out. My ex said that it felt very good, and he got a lot out. I've been toying with the idea of getting one done. Apparently they're about $40 for one procedure, but normally your'e supposed to go and have this done once a week for 3 weeks to get everything out. Here's a link:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonic">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonic</a>


New member
Wanted to add a few things:

Yes your poo should sink. If it floats it means there is more fat in it - therefore you are not absorbing all the fat you can from meals.

Color: not really sure about this one. I will add though in response to Liz's about green poo - I know this is a common thing if you have had your gallbladder removed to occasionally have green poo. Otherwise I would assume any shade of brown would be acceptable.

Frequency. I usually go a few times a day - it varies depending on the food I eat. I have gotten the impression from my doc that more than 3 times a day could be a problem or is too many, but I am not sure. I have never asked about how many movements you should have in a day or how many are normal soooo.



New member
What I think normal poo is.....

1. It should sink to the bottom
2. No oil, grease
3. Color, well I didnt think that color really ment anything, I always thought that it was whatever you ate, would be the color of the poo, for example if you only ate green veggies all day long then you would have green poo. But I would think that brown would be the color it should be.
4. I think that going 1 time every other day is normal. For me it depdends I can go any where from 1-3 times a day, or 1 time every other day, plus it depends on what I eat and how much creon I take.


New member
A healthy stool should be formed (i.e. tube shaped from its trip
through the intestine)<br>
Stool should sink. Floating or oily stool means that the fat is not
being absorbed. A light color may indicate gall bladder problems or
liver problems. Generally, darker stool indicates that vitamins are
being absorbed properly.<br>
As to frequency, that depends on what is "normal" for
you. 1-2 poops a day is generally a good thing, especially if they
are taking place around the same time each day. Poop does smell. If
it smells particularly unusual (e.g. like marigolds, or has a
lingering sulfur stench) the number of enzymes should be increased
or the diet changed.


Well, this isn't a very pleasant subject, but here it goes. I would say about 80 percent of the time, mine float. I have also had occassions when it is green. I have mentioned it to the doc and the dietician, but they didn't really seem to concerned about it, so I figured it wasn't that abnormal. I'd say I probably go twice on a "normal" day. Sometimes more, depending on what I have eaten and if my stomach is giving me fits. I think my enzymes work pretty good. I usually have to take an extra one when I'm eating something that is a bit more greasy.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

should you increase enzymes if your poos are always floaters?</end quote></div>

I did when I felt my stools were too soft, then I told my doc and he said it was ok. Now I have nice firm stools everytime as long as I take my enzymes.


New member

Have you by chance had your gallbladder removed? If so that may be the cause of the occasional green stools. I never had an issue with green stools until I had my gallbladder removed. I think it is called bile salt something or other. It is common in people once they have had their gallbladder removed.

Just thought I would throw that out there as a possibility for you. I asked my docs about it after I had surgery a few years ago and they had the same ho hum no big deal response. I looked it up and read that some people will always have green stools gallbladder removal, some don't have a problem - others (like me) have a combination sometimes normal sometimes not.



New member
Interesting topic..... I know my 5yr old goes green ALOT, so I mentioned this to his doctor and he asked if he drinks purple/grape juice. At the time he was and I have noticed if he drinks purple juice now he goes (bright) green. It scared me the first time he did it.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>fourkidsmom</b></i>

Interesting topic..... I know my 5yr old goes green ALOT, so I mentioned this to his doctor and he asked if he drinks purple/grape juice. At the time he was and I have noticed if he drinks purple juice now he goes (bright) green. It scared me the first time he did it.

Fourkidsmom</end quote></div>

My daughter has had green poops before - they are like a blue/green. I found that she would have these when she had eaten red or blue jello, sometimes after a yogurt that had dye in it (I think they were Trix and had wild fruity flavors/names -- one was blue - I don't buy them anymore).

I emailed our CF doc about it and she assured me this was nothing to worry about but it was hard not to since it was so unusual and fairly soon after diagnosis.

Here is one article I found when I was looking into the causes, it has info and links about other poo problems as well.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://ibscrohns.about.com/cs/otherdiseases/a/greenstool.htm


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>


Have you by chance had your gallbladder removed? If so that may be the cause of the occasional green stools. I never had an issue with green stools until I had my gallbladder removed. I think it is called bile salt something or other. It is common in people once they have had their gallbladder removed.

Just thought I would throw that out there as a possibility for you. I asked my docs about it after I had surgery a few years ago and they had the same ho hum no big deal response. I looked it up and read that some people will always have green stools gallbladder removal, some don't have a problem - others (like me) have a combination sometimes normal sometimes not.

Lindsey</end quote></div>

Hopefully I'm doing this right; trying to reply to Lindsey.

No, I still have my gallbladder. I think I read that in somebody else's response too, that it could cause green poo. Who knows, maybe it's something I ate. I'll have to try to keep track next time. Thanks for the info.


New member
I have had my gallbladder removed and the only time I have green
poo is when I eat Trix. It the dyes that are in the cereal and
isn't any reason to stop eating it. It just the way te dye comes
out. Its not harmfull. I was told that a constant green poo is a
sign of tummy infections. I usually go poo about 1-2 times daily.
Sometimes it floats and sometimes it sinks. It all depends on what
I have eaten through ou the day. Hope this helps