I am quite embarrassed about this but am also desparate for help. My 5 year old daughter w cf occasionally poops in her room and gets it all over. The first time she did this, she was 20 months old and it was quite innocent, the diaper came off and she was fingerpainting. Then, she's done it out of spite for having to have quiet time in her room. We have tried all kinds of things. We try not to freak out but have to say have not always been successful it is such a mess and the bacteria too. But she does it so rarely we think she's stopped doing it. Has anyone else had to deal with anything like this? I know she knows we look at her poop to see how effective her enzymes are. Digestion has been her biggest issue. She seems to just want to do so she does it. sometimes she's angry, sometimes not. I just thought she would outgrow it. But now i'm starting to wonder. I'm ready to see a psychologist. Any suggestions before my last resort.