Porcelain veneers



Just wondering if anyone can share their experience with porcelain veneers. My daughter wcf is interested in getting them. Any insight into pros/cons would be appreciated.


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Iv had them done! I'm 17 years old and from a young age I developed what's called 'pitted enamel' meaning that my teeth were very badly stained due to malnourishment. When I was 13 I got them done and it has been the best decision ever. My dentist that did them was brilliant :) before I was so conscious of my teeth and smile, now I'm smiling all the time it's great :) if you want to add me on Facebook to talk you can my name is Aileen Henderson :)


New member
I am 37 and got my veneers and some crowns when I was 27. Prior to that I was so self conscious, so much so that I didn't smile for my wedding pictures. I found that the veneers had more issues (falling off) than my crowns have. I LOVE my crowns and agree with Jellybaby, that it was the best decision I've made!


I am a 59 yr old woman and I never did them but always wanted to since I have a under bite they wld probably bang against each other and chip, as 3 different dentists told me. . but I never smile every picture of me is closed mouth I have to say it's been my sadess thing to deal with and there has been a lot -sounds vain but it really is not. I have had the zoom whitening done 3x now in the past 5yrs but that does not last either, and my teeth are so sensitive they hurt all the next day. they are quite yellow from medications earlier in my life. so my advice is definetly do it. It will really make a difference, Pat/59


New member
I had very dark tetracycline staining and got plastic veneers when I was about 14 years old. I needed veneers for my front six teeth and my family could not afford to get porcelain, so the dentist recommended plastic. I remember being teased for my teeth and the veneers gave me confidence at an age when I really needed it. The plastic veneers did eventually become stained and I had them replaced after about 12 years. I'm 43 now and I am on my third set. I've considered porcelain, but when I look at the cost difference and the number of years they have lasted, I go with the plastic again. My dentist has told me that some people do have problems with the plastic cracking or breaking, but according to him, unless you plan to open beer bottles with your teeth, they should hold up for many years. Good luck to you and your daughter.


Those are the same stains I have they are horrible. I never knew they made plastic.. OMG this may finally be something I can afford thanks for that info.


New member
I got veneers and they were the best decision I ever made. The constant comments and questions about my "lack" of dental hygiene because my teeth were stained really wore me down. So when I got the veneers and the questions and comments stopped, it was fantastic.


I had them done over 20 years ago. I had them replaced several years ago and my dentist really did a bad job. (Different dentist than did them originally) He had to redo them and he made the bite all wrong. They kept popping off and chipping. I changed dentists and because there wasn't enough enamel left (they removed more 20 years ago than they do now) he put on crowns. I am so happy with them. They are beautiful. He was able to change my bite so I don't chip my teeth anymore. I say go for it! Tammy 53wcf


Super Moderator
Rotten Teeth! I only found out CF = bad teeth a few years ago. Given the chance(s), to cosmetically fix my horrid teeth growing up, I would have found the money myself. The most durable dental work was a wholesale job involving a dozen or more fillings at a time. I was about 15 when my molars went silver.

A suggestion for young CFers and their families is having teeth sealed as secondary teeth come in. Insurance didn’t cover my niece, she is CF free, and the $30/tooth seems worth the expense. The sealing is too new for me to make any claims but her dentist’s “sealed patients” have an adolescent decade free of cavities and more. This isn’t uncommon, most pediatric dentists offer this.

I have been able to afford good dental work as an adult and have a number of crowns. I also have a major overbite and was born without seeds of adult canines. My smile hides under a beard and mustache and I hate it, I am a natural smiler! Being able to afford good dental work has its limits and crowning, implanting and other work needed to give me a presentable smile for my remaining years is hard to justify.

My dentist is also a bit of a snob when it comes to veneers, somewhat justifiably so considering most people have some problems with veneers popping off and such. The dental work done at 15 is still good as well as every crown in my mouth and this is what dentists expect of their work. My last crown could have paid for a couple sets of veneers.

As long as veneers don’t preclude a crown done at a later time and the veneer repairs don’t take away more tooth each time, I see no reason to avoid them. Crowns are generally permanent I have more than one close to fifty years old.

Staining and pit cavities on my front teeth make for a pretty unattractive smile. The sources of our bad teeth are pretty serious problems from weak amylase levels in our saliva, our true and best cavity fighter, to the many sources of gasses and fluids passing through our mouths that aren’t good for our teeth. The GI tract at the mouth is generally a one way path down. Between GERD and the imbalance in the stomach, some toxic and occasionally infectious fumes vent through the mouth. Throw in all the lung infections, ENT infections, inhaled, sublingual and just swallowed medicines are not tooth friendly things and it is no wonder our teeth are under attack.

Malabsorption seems so impossible surrounded by an abundance of good foods, knowledge of nutrition and so forth. The terrible effects are hard to imagine as well. An old metric ascribed X number of years taken off a person’s life for each tooth lost. The point is poor teeth are a good reflection of poor health and the unpreventable malabsorption is doing far more damage elsewhere. My dentist suggested I use ACT restoring mouthwash to excess, it hardens the tooth enamel. I want to know what to take to restore all my bone loss. It is ok to mourn the loss of existing or potentially beautiful choppers. We display our health with them but more important, we express our joy with a big toothy smile. At least we should be able to.



Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experience with veneers/cosmetic dental work. I think we will definitely start doing some research on who to approach for a consultation. I understand some sort of mock up can be done to show you how the finished work will look and check you are happy before proceeding. I am also not keen on too much shaving of the tooth. From what I have read a buff of the tooth surface is all that is required now with improved techniques.
I think the boost to confidence this procedure will bring will be totally worth it but thought it a good idea to check in with others that have gone before. Keep smiling everyone :D


Super Moderator
Please post an update when your young smiler is veneered and hopefully delighted. As long as she's careful, her veneers may never have problems. This discussion is timeless, teeth aren't going to magically improve until genetic drugs stop errors in the salivary glands and malabsorption is history.

Yes I've read that enamel defects are often seen in CF, but I think the sugary diet often recommended to children with CF from a young age may also play a part in tooth staining.

My son had an orthodontist's appointment yesterday, and apparently the enamel in his teeth is fine. The dentist said that she has seen a number of children who do not have CF and are younger than my son whose teeth have been destroyed by sugary drinks and other sweets. She said milk helps with enamel.


Thanks LL will keep you posted when news is to hand. We are starting the ball rolling next week. Looks like the bank account is going to take a hit but from the sound of the experiences on this thread it will be worth it for the extra confidence and a bright smile. :D


I did something called bonding - we knew I'd be getting braces and the bonding was cheaper, and the plan was to let the bonding get pried off with the braces when they took the braces off and do veneers. But when I got my braces off the bonding stayed on, so that's all that I'll be doing I think - I've been really happy with it, matches all my teeth. I had 2, I believe.


New member
Hey! Just wanted to let you know....I got it wrong my mum just told me haha! Sorry what I got done is called 'composite veneers' I think these would suit your daughter better because I didn't have to get my teeth filed down at all. The dentist basically paints on white veneers layer by layer onto the original tooth. It took a whole day in the dentist to get done but was well worth it. Hope it helps and good luck :D


Thank you Jellybaby, good to find out all the options available before we go for our appointment. Will let you know how things go.;)


New member
There are many pros and cons to the porcelain veneers, I've pointed some of them here, I hope this will help you:-


1. They are easy to plant.
2. Less prone to staining.
3. Can be done over single appointment.
4. Long-lasting, approximately 10-15yrs.


1. Takes time to adjust.
2. May change pronunciation of some letters like, 'S' and 'f'.
3. Expensive, may range in between 500$ - !000$.
4. Permanent procedure.

So I suggest you to consult some dentist who have enough experience in dental veneer implantation to guide you in right direction.


Hi all,
We have had our consultations, considered all the options and have been preparing and saving over the past couple of months. My daughter had a full checkup and clean. We have done some bleaching of the bottom teeth to bring them up to the bright white she wanted without going overboard. The veneers are currently being made and we are due to have them placed in about three weeks. Very exciting. There was minimal shaving involved - just a little reshaping of one tooth so all good. We are excited and will report back when the new smile is in place.


New member
As far as dental procedures are considered teeth whitening is an important procedure which was acquired by means of fixing custom made trays that was fixed on to teeth structure and these trays contained whitening solution that tend to whiten the teeth by means of removing stains and discoloration. Porcelain veneers evolved as important treatment in cosmetic dentistry especially owing much to smile make over’s as it had numerous advantages compared to other whitening procedures which were rather temporary in nature. Whitening agents used are chemicals and they have adverse effects in teeth and enamel and they have effects which are much time bound. I think porcelain veneers are much compatible than other counterparts although it is permanent in nature but it obviously looks good on you, thanks.