I didn't start having IVs until I was 17, I suffered with peripherals and PICCS for about three years before I got the port-a-cath and I must say it is one of the greatest decisions I have made. I was to the point peripherals lasted a day and a half at the most, throughout a two week course of IV's I would become depressed and angry. My first port lasted five years, I had the second put in two years ago. Seeing as I am older I guess I have a different out look on it. Many don't like the port 'bump' and feel it is visible, and understandably it makes many feel different, most especially when going shirtless or swimsuits - of course depending on gender. I rather have a bump and have everyone look then to spend another moment being poked, poked and re-poked. Accessing is easy, I don't do it myself, but there are many who do. It can be numbed with a topical numbing cream so the accessing is not felt. At your sons age I am sure he will have to be a bit more careful, not too much rough housing, but I think the ease off the mind is a great bonus. Oh, I also do the therapy vest, and I am able to use a cushion around the acessed port when doing my treatments. One other thing, it is painful after placement, but only for about a week. With my first one, I had irritating pain for about five days, then 'boom' just like that in the middle of the day the pain was gone. Oh, and if your son does do a vest, don't have the port acessed right after placement, that is uncomfortable when it is trying to heal and yet having it accessed. Okay, that was kind of choppy, hope that helped.