Port Difficulty


New member
Hey all I have a question regarding my port. I have a mediport which was placed in Nov of 2000 and I've only had a few problems with it being a hard flush in the last couple years. I can say I rarely get it flushed because I was going in for via every 3-4 months. However I was admitted yesterday and the nurse tried to access my port twice both failed at drawing blood or pushing the saline in. I've already had 5 ivs/blood draws without even being here 24 hours. Has this ever happened to you? I haven't seen my cf doc only the attending who basically said he didn't want to bother with it and wait til my cf clinic and mention it then.


Super Moderator
Hey Hannah,

Sorry you are having problems and having to endure so many pokes. Bummer, especially considering you have a port. :(

I kinda think it's crap that you're inpatient and no one is looking into it. I guess for them it's just easier to poke you. You have a port for a reason, most likely because your veins suck and you're sick of pokes. Sorry, this is a personal frustration of mine. My nurses/docs used to always just want to do things peripherally instead of using my port like it was no big deal..

I would ask for them to TPA it, that should break up a clot, if that is the issue. If that doesn't do it, you'll need to have a catheter gram (they inject a dye and watch it on an xray) to see what's up with it. My went kaput last year (not flushing or getting a blood return) and the dye test showed that my catheter was broken almost completely off from the port itself. It was kind of a dangerous situation because if the catheter would have actually broken off it would have been free standing in my blood stream. UGH. They took it out under local anesthesia and it was no biggie. I don't have another one, yet.

Honestly, I'm not sure why they feel this is an issue for your CF doc. Any doc (resident/attending) can order the TPA and if that doesn't do the trick, a dye test. The TPA would be something quick and easy they could try yet tonight to try to save you a few pokes! I'd push for that. No reason they can't page the doc on call for orders.

I better run, but good luck to you and take care!!

Autumn 33 w.CF


New member
It's problem time for a new one. My daughter had her first one for 9 years before it failed and she had another one put in. Very strong IVs meds go into the port and they can only last so long.


Super Moderator
i second what triples said. get them to at least try TPA to see if that breaks up any clots that may have formed in the line. I think you should definitely tell the doctor that he will bother with it because there is a reason you have it and it needs to be fixed or at least figure out if it's done completely and maybe then talk to your CF clinic about having it replaced. for heaven's sake, what does the doc think he's there for? sometimes you have to wonder!


New member
My thoughts too man i would have been mad they wouldn't fot my blood til they fixed it all that trouble to get it then they won't bother with it crazy I'm thimking of getting one a port no viens hardly no one can stick me and have to wait days on picc getting old but i did hear that fast mechanical medicine has to go threw a iv not a port like if u ur getting a cat scan with contrast and they use that machine to push it in they told me they can't use a port they say couse it can't take the pressure not sure just what i heard maybe next time after this te ill ask about getting one hope everyone gets and stays healthy and we get a cure soon