Ports and college Life


New member
Hi everyone!! I am going to college in the Fall and I am very excited!! I just have one question though; how many PICC lines have you had before you decided to get a port? Was it worth it? If I am only on IVS about two months a year is a port worth the trouble? My veins are about to blow though from all of the PICC lines and I am a very hard stick. I would love some advice! Thank you so so much!


New member
Hi everyone!! I am going to college in the Fall and I am very excited!! I just have one question though; how many PICC lines have you had before you decided to get a port? Was it worth it? If I am only on IVS about two months a year is a port worth the trouble? My veins are about to blow though from all of the PICC lines and I am a very hard stick. I would love some advice! Thank you so so much!


New member
Hi everyone!! I am going to college in the Fall and I am very excited!! I just have one question though; how many PICC lines have you had before you decided to get a port? Was it worth it? If I am only on IVS about two months a year is a port worth the trouble? My veins are about to blow though from all of the PICC lines and I am a very hard stick. I would love some advice! Thank you so so much!


New member
I would go for it. It makes life much easier! Personally, I would definitely make the port decision again if I had it to do over.

All the best as you head to college!


New member
I would go for it. It makes life much easier! Personally, I would definitely make the port decision again if I had it to do over.

All the best as you head to college!


New member
I would go for it. It makes life much easier! Personally, I would definitely make the port decision again if I had it to do over.
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<br />All the best as you head to college!


New member
I had piccs in college and now I have a port. I am one of those, pro-port-ers... I think in retrospect you, especially being a hard stick, should go for it. It will be easier not having the stress of getting piccs and having to make the appointments and being in pain before starting ivs when you do need them.

Even though it is a 'permanent' thing, it makes my life with ivs soo much easier.


New member
I had piccs in college and now I have a port. I am one of those, pro-port-ers... I think in retrospect you, especially being a hard stick, should go for it. It will be easier not having the stress of getting piccs and having to make the appointments and being in pain before starting ivs when you do need them.

Even though it is a 'permanent' thing, it makes my life with ivs soo much easier.


New member
I had piccs in college and now I have a port. I am one of those, pro-port-ers... I think in retrospect you, especially being a hard stick, should go for it. It will be easier not having the stress of getting piccs and having to make the appointments and being in pain before starting ivs when you do need them.
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<br />Even though it is a 'permanent' thing, it makes my life with ivs soo much easier.


Super Moderator
it finally came down for me where the IR people told me that they would not even try to get another PICC in me after my last experience with one (it took them 2 hours to put in). so i got a port the next time i needed IVs. such a good decision! i wish i hadn't waited quite so long to get it so i could have avoided the last couple of PICC experiences. It does take monthly maintenance sticks and all that but it's really so convenient! good luck with school! college was so fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
it finally came down for me where the IR people told me that they would not even try to get another PICC in me after my last experience with one (it took them 2 hours to put in). so i got a port the next time i needed IVs. such a good decision! i wish i hadn't waited quite so long to get it so i could have avoided the last couple of PICC experiences. It does take monthly maintenance sticks and all that but it's really so convenient! good luck with school! college was so fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
it finally came down for me where the IR people told me that they would not even try to get another PICC in me after my last experience with one (it took them 2 hours to put in). so i got a port the next time i needed IVs. such a good decision! i wish i hadn't waited quite so long to get it so i could have avoided the last couple of PICC experiences. It does take monthly maintenance sticks and all that but it's really so convenient! good luck with school! college was so fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I was in your position and i decided not to get a port because I was unsure of where i'd get it flushed every month away at school but then i ended up going into the ER at the local hospital and needed iv's and they(the IR) tried to put in a PICC and they couldnt get it after 4 tries so they said i needed a port- I didn't want to get it done there so I asked to just have i'vs in my hand for the 2 weeks and then waiting til I came home to my regular hospital to have a port put in- looking back I wish I would have listened to my gut and got one before college esp because I was a hard stick and knew that my veins were going to give any time soon

Basically go with your gut- its always right
If you think you would benefit more from a port, get it!!!!!! (I would, it is great)


New member
I was in your position and i decided not to get a port because I was unsure of where i'd get it flushed every month away at school but then i ended up going into the ER at the local hospital and needed iv's and they(the IR) tried to put in a PICC and they couldnt get it after 4 tries so they said i needed a port- I didn't want to get it done there so I asked to just have i'vs in my hand for the 2 weeks and then waiting til I came home to my regular hospital to have a port put in- looking back I wish I would have listened to my gut and got one before college esp because I was a hard stick and knew that my veins were going to give any time soon

Basically go with your gut- its always right
If you think you would benefit more from a port, get it!!!!!! (I would, it is great)


New member
I was in your position and i decided not to get a port because I was unsure of where i'd get it flushed every month away at school but then i ended up going into the ER at the local hospital and needed iv's and they(the IR) tried to put in a PICC and they couldnt get it after 4 tries so they said i needed a port- I didn't want to get it done there so I asked to just have i'vs in my hand for the 2 weeks and then waiting til I came home to my regular hospital to have a port put in- looking back I wish I would have listened to my gut and got one before college esp because I was a hard stick and knew that my veins were going to give any time soon
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<br />Basically go with your gut- its always right
<br />If you think you would benefit more from a port, get it!!!!!! (I would, it is great)


New member
Thank you so much for the replies, next time I am due for a tune up I am definitely going to ask to speak with a "port surgeon", it sounds much easier than having to deal with the dreaded PICC lines... thanks again!!


New member
Thank you so much for the replies, next time I am due for a tune up I am definitely going to ask to speak with a "port surgeon", it sounds much easier than having to deal with the dreaded PICC lines... thanks again!!


New member
Thank you so much for the replies, next time I am due for a tune up I am definitely going to ask to speak with a "port surgeon", it sounds much easier than having to deal with the dreaded PICC lines... thanks again!!