Posing as others


New member
Just to clairify, although I don't think anybody had any dobut, that the most recent locked post where someone typed "-julie" was NOT from me. I spend the weekend in WA unexpectedly and was able to log on once on Friday evening, and then not again until I am home right now (as of about 3pm today). I just wanted to clairify that it was not me making that post.

Thanks to all those that took note of that and posted as such, it is much appreciated!!!


New member
I thought it kind of funny when 'you' said don't tell the admin i called him an idiot! Kind of made me laugh (cas as if the real you would say that)...although its annoying having somebody pose as you all the same.

Shamrock, x


New member
I got a good laugh reading it because it was SO not something I would say, I actually really do appreciate what the admins. do, considering they probably have "real" jobs aside from maintaining this site, and the fact that it exists only because they created it. Oh, well.....


New member
Hi Julie,

I was actually the person that commented that I didn't believe you made that post. It did not sound like your writing at all. I really think the original poster was amusing himself with his little made up dialogue.

I have to admit I was afraid to sign my name in case there was a small, minute chance that you actually wrote the post. I didn't want to offend you. But I was pretty sure that you did not write it.

Maria (Sami's mom)


New member
Oh, there would have been no offense. I appreciate the "back-up" from those who know me. I know I have been harsh a few times, and can be sometimes, but not like that. THank you very much, it is appreciated.


New member
I don't know who posed as you, but whoever he was, he must have been a world class jerk.

Note to Admin: Do you think you might want to start some sort of a thing on here preventing people from posing as others?