Possible CF - Need Help


New member
My daughter Cate just had her first birthday. We found out shortly after she was born that her newborn screen was positive for CF. Her IRT was about 90 but it was mutation negative. Since there was no family history of CF, we just kind of forgot about it. But, then she started having trouble gaining weight, and even lost weight a few times. She started at the 50% in weight, got up to the 90% in weight at 3 months, and has steadily fallen since then - she's currently at about the 5-10%. When this started happening, we had a sweat test done, just to rule out CF as a cause of her poor weight gain. Her result was 41, which I was told was an indeterminate result. So, we had an expanded mutation panel done, which tested for 97 of the mutations that cause CF. It was negative, but the doctor told me that he couldn't tell me definitively that she doesn't have CF because there are close to 1300 mutations that can cause CF. Now, we're dealing with Cate's 10th upper respiratory infection. She doesn't attend daycare and isn't around other kids much, so I can't figure out why she keeps having these respiratory infections. She has probably had pneumonia at least twice, but I'm a pediatric resident, so I try to manage her at home rather than taking her into her doctor (bad of me, I know!). She has been hospitalized once with a respiratory infection. She also has had rectal prolapse on two different occasions and has occasional large bulky foul smelling stools. I wanted to know if any of you were diagnosed with any other test than the sweat test or expanded mutation panel. I am trying to figure out if I should take my daughter to a pediatric pulmonologist (who has a ton of experience with CF) and have more testing done, or if I should just quit freaking out and leave it alone. I have a son who has special needs, so I probably over react a little when it comes to Cate. Any advice? Any of you have a similar experience? I would love your input. Thanks!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
My daughter Cate just had her first birthday. We found out shortly after she was born that her newborn screen was positive for CF. Her IRT was about 90 but it was mutation negative. Since there was no family history of CF, we just kind of forgot about it. But, then she started having trouble gaining weight, and even lost weight a few times. She started at the 50% in weight, got up to the 90% in weight at 3 months, and has steadily fallen since then - she's currently at about the 5-10%. When this started happening, we had a sweat test done, just to rule out CF as a cause of her poor weight gain. Her result was 41, which I was told was an indeterminate result. So, we had an expanded mutation panel done, which tested for 97 of the mutations that cause CF. It was negative, but the doctor told me that he couldn't tell me definitively that she doesn't have CF because there are close to 1300 mutations that can cause CF. Now, we're dealing with Cate's 10th upper respiratory infection. She doesn't attend daycare and isn't around other kids much, so I can't figure out why she keeps having these respiratory infections. She has probably had pneumonia at least twice, but I'm a pediatric resident, so I try to manage her at home rather than taking her into her doctor (bad of me, I know!). She has been hospitalized once with a respiratory infection. She also has had rectal prolapse on two different occasions and has occasional large bulky foul smelling stools. I wanted to know if any of you were diagnosed with any other test than the sweat test or expanded mutation panel. I am trying to figure out if I should take my daughter to a pediatric pulmonologist (who has a ton of experience with CF) and have more testing done, or if I should just quit freaking out and leave it alone. I have a son who has special needs, so I probably over react a little when it comes to Cate. Any advice? Any of you have a similar experience? I would love your input. Thanks!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
My daughter Cate just had her first birthday. We found out shortly after she was born that her newborn screen was positive for CF. Her IRT was about 90 but it was mutation negative. Since there was no family history of CF, we just kind of forgot about it. But, then she started having trouble gaining weight, and even lost weight a few times. She started at the 50% in weight, got up to the 90% in weight at 3 months, and has steadily fallen since then - she's currently at about the 5-10%. When this started happening, we had a sweat test done, just to rule out CF as a cause of her poor weight gain. Her result was 41, which I was told was an indeterminate result. So, we had an expanded mutation panel done, which tested for 97 of the mutations that cause CF. It was negative, but the doctor told me that he couldn't tell me definitively that she doesn't have CF because there are close to 1300 mutations that can cause CF. Now, we're dealing with Cate's 10th upper respiratory infection. She doesn't attend daycare and isn't around other kids much, so I can't figure out why she keeps having these respiratory infections. She has probably had pneumonia at least twice, but I'm a pediatric resident, so I try to manage her at home rather than taking her into her doctor (bad of me, I know!). She has been hospitalized once with a respiratory infection. She also has had rectal prolapse on two different occasions and has occasional large bulky foul smelling stools. I wanted to know if any of you were diagnosed with any other test than the sweat test or expanded mutation panel. I am trying to figure out if I should take my daughter to a pediatric pulmonologist (who has a ton of experience with CF) and have more testing done, or if I should just quit freaking out and leave it alone. I have a son who has special needs, so I probably over react a little when it comes to Cate. Any advice? Any of you have a similar experience? I would love your input. Thanks!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
My daughter Cate just had her first birthday. We found out shortly after she was born that her newborn screen was positive for CF. Her IRT was about 90 but it was mutation negative. Since there was no family history of CF, we just kind of forgot about it. But, then she started having trouble gaining weight, and even lost weight a few times. She started at the 50% in weight, got up to the 90% in weight at 3 months, and has steadily fallen since then - she's currently at about the 5-10%. When this started happening, we had a sweat test done, just to rule out CF as a cause of her poor weight gain. Her result was 41, which I was told was an indeterminate result. So, we had an expanded mutation panel done, which tested for 97 of the mutations that cause CF. It was negative, but the doctor told me that he couldn't tell me definitively that she doesn't have CF because there are close to 1300 mutations that can cause CF. Now, we're dealing with Cate's 10th upper respiratory infection. She doesn't attend daycare and isn't around other kids much, so I can't figure out why she keeps having these respiratory infections. She has probably had pneumonia at least twice, but I'm a pediatric resident, so I try to manage her at home rather than taking her into her doctor (bad of me, I know!). She has been hospitalized once with a respiratory infection. She also has had rectal prolapse on two different occasions and has occasional large bulky foul smelling stools. I wanted to know if any of you were diagnosed with any other test than the sweat test or expanded mutation panel. I am trying to figure out if I should take my daughter to a pediatric pulmonologist (who has a ton of experience with CF) and have more testing done, or if I should just quit freaking out and leave it alone. I have a son who has special needs, so I probably over react a little when it comes to Cate. Any advice? Any of you have a similar experience? I would love your input. Thanks!
Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
My daughter Cate just had her first birthday. We found out shortly after she was born that her newborn screen was positive for CF. Her IRT was about 90 but it was mutation negative. Since there was no family history of CF, we just kind of forgot about it. But, then she started having trouble gaining weight, and even lost weight a few times. She started at the 50% in weight, got up to the 90% in weight at 3 months, and has steadily fallen since then - she's currently at about the 5-10%. When this started happening, we had a sweat test done, just to rule out CF as a cause of her poor weight gain. Her result was 41, which I was told was an indeterminate result. So, we had an expanded mutation panel done, which tested for 97 of the mutations that cause CF. It was negative, but the doctor told me that he couldn't tell me definitively that she doesn't have CF because there are close to 1300 mutations that can cause CF. Now, we're dealing with Cate's 10th upper respiratory infection. She doesn't attend daycare and isn't around other kids much, so I can't figure out why she keeps having these respiratory infections. She has probably had pneumonia at least twice, but I'm a pediatric resident, so I try to manage her at home rather than taking her into her doctor (bad of me, I know!). She has been hospitalized once with a respiratory infection. She also has had rectal prolapse on two different occasions and has occasional large bulky foul smelling stools. I wanted to know if any of you were diagnosed with any other test than the sweat test or expanded mutation panel. I am trying to figure out if I should take my daughter to a pediatric pulmonologist (who has a ton of experience with CF) and have more testing done, or if I should just quit freaking out and leave it alone. I have a son who has special needs, so I probably over react a little when it comes to Cate. Any advice? Any of you have a similar experience? I would love your input. Thanks!
<br />Barbara
<br />Mom to Cate 04-10-07


New member
Hi Barbara. I just had copied and pasted your questions here in this section, and I found you had already moved it too. I'm glad you did so, because it will get much more attention here.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can't stress enough how important I feel it is that you get the full-panel test done. Checking for 97 out of over 1500 mutations just isn't adequate, in my opinion. Unfortunately,the symptoms you have described are very typical of CF. I know CF is scary, but if it is CF, you can start treatments that will greatly improve your daughter's quality of life. I wish you the best. Please let us know what happens.



New member
Hi Barbara. I just had copied and pasted your questions here in this section, and I found you had already moved it too. I'm glad you did so, because it will get much more attention here.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can't stress enough how important I feel it is that you get the full-panel test done. Checking for 97 out of over 1500 mutations just isn't adequate, in my opinion. Unfortunately,the symptoms you have described are very typical of CF. I know CF is scary, but if it is CF, you can start treatments that will greatly improve your daughter's quality of life. I wish you the best. Please let us know what happens.



New member
Hi Barbara. I just had copied and pasted your questions here in this section, and I found you had already moved it too. I'm glad you did so, because it will get much more attention here.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can't stress enough how important I feel it is that you get the full-panel test done. Checking for 97 out of over 1500 mutations just isn't adequate, in my opinion. Unfortunately,the symptoms you have described are very typical of CF. I know CF is scary, but if it is CF, you can start treatments that will greatly improve your daughter's quality of life. I wish you the best. Please let us know what happens.



New member
Hi Barbara. I just had copied and pasted your questions here in this section, and I found you had already moved it too. I'm glad you did so, because it will get much more attention here.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can't stress enough how important I feel it is that you get the full-panel test done. Checking for 97 out of over 1500 mutations just isn't adequate, in my opinion. Unfortunately,the symptoms you have described are very typical of CF. I know CF is scary, but if it is CF, you can start treatments that will greatly improve your daughter's quality of life. I wish you the best. Please let us know what happens.



New member
Hi Barbara. I just had copied and pasted your questions here in this section, and I found you had already moved it too. I'm glad you did so, because it will get much more attention here.
<br />
<br />I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can't stress enough how important I feel it is that you get the full-panel test done. Checking for 97 out of over 1500 mutations just isn't adequate, in my opinion. Unfortunately,the symptoms you have described are very typical of CF. I know CF is scary, but if it is CF, you can start treatments that will greatly improve your daughter's quality of life. I wish you the best. Please let us know what happens.
<br />
<br />Stacey


New member
Hi Barbara
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is feeling poorly so often.
I would ask if your doctor could do a full panel genetic test, specially while he said himself that he didn't test for so many mutations. Your daughters symptoms do sound like she could very possibly have CF.
Good luck with everything, don't hesistate to ask all questions that you have


New member
Hi Barbara
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is feeling poorly so often.
I would ask if your doctor could do a full panel genetic test, specially while he said himself that he didn't test for so many mutations. Your daughters symptoms do sound like she could very possibly have CF.
Good luck with everything, don't hesistate to ask all questions that you have


New member
Hi Barbara
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is feeling poorly so often.
I would ask if your doctor could do a full panel genetic test, specially while he said himself that he didn't test for so many mutations. Your daughters symptoms do sound like she could very possibly have CF.
Good luck with everything, don't hesistate to ask all questions that you have


New member
Hi Barbara
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is feeling poorly so often.
I would ask if your doctor could do a full panel genetic test, specially while he said himself that he didn't test for so many mutations. Your daughters symptoms do sound like she could very possibly have CF.
Good luck with everything, don't hesistate to ask all questions that you have


New member
Hi Barbara
<br />I'm sorry to hear your daughter is feeling poorly so often.
<br />I would ask if your doctor could do a full panel genetic test, specially while he said himself that he didn't test for so many mutations. Your daughters symptoms do sound like she could very possibly have CF.
<br />Good luck with everything, don't hesistate to ask all questions that you have


New member
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Your mother's intuition is telling you that more needs to be done.

Your daughter is having breathing and stool issues, she needs to have a Full Panel screening run to rule out all of the mutations. If it comes back negative, then maybe that will help give you some peace of mind. If it comes back positive, then you can treat your daughter and help her to live a longer and healthier life.

Good luck!


New member
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Your mother's intuition is telling you that more needs to be done.

Your daughter is having breathing and stool issues, she needs to have a Full Panel screening run to rule out all of the mutations. If it comes back negative, then maybe that will help give you some peace of mind. If it comes back positive, then you can treat your daughter and help her to live a longer and healthier life.

Good luck!


New member
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Your mother's intuition is telling you that more needs to be done.

Your daughter is having breathing and stool issues, she needs to have a Full Panel screening run to rule out all of the mutations. If it comes back negative, then maybe that will help give you some peace of mind. If it comes back positive, then you can treat your daughter and help her to live a longer and healthier life.

Good luck!


New member
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Your mother's intuition is telling you that more needs to be done.

Your daughter is having breathing and stool issues, she needs to have a Full Panel screening run to rule out all of the mutations. If it comes back negative, then maybe that will help give you some peace of mind. If it comes back positive, then you can treat your daughter and help her to live a longer and healthier life.

Good luck!


New member
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Your mother's intuition is telling you that more needs to be done.
<br />
<br />Your daughter is having breathing and stool issues, she needs to have a Full Panel screening run to rule out all of the mutations. If it comes back negative, then maybe that will help give you some peace of mind. If it comes back positive, then you can treat your daughter and help her to live a longer and healthier life.
<br />
<br />Good luck!