posting a link


New member
Ok so I talked to a few of you about how to post a link a little
while back. I found out my reply window is set up different than
most peoples, and I don't seem to have all of the same options.<br>
Well I accidentally went to reply to a post without signing in, and
I had the right reply window. It is set up like other
people described how theirs is set up when they tried to help
me, and I had the options of adding links or quotes. But then I
signed in, and now I have the old reply window again, which doesn't
let me do all those things.<br>
I hope I didn't confuse you too much, I'm trying to figure out a
way to have the better window when I reply, but still be able to
sign in. 


New member
It is just set up different, there's a lot of useless options, and
the ones I want like quote or link aren't there. I have a really
hard time posting a link. I can't figure out why its only when I
sign in. If I post anonymously I have the reply window that other
people described they have. (Julie was trying to help me out and
explained how her window is set up) 


Super Moderator
You may have the link the row of ICONS...the 9th one
(blue circle with link)<br>
Try this if you like the other page better....<br>
Go to   PROFILE<br>
then find Editor Type and select HTML


New member
Aha! Thank you Teri! That's what I needed, to switch the editor type to HTML. I like this window much better. Thanks again!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
So smart Teri, I never even realized that was an option. Glad you are "normal" now amber <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL


New member
Thanks Julie! You make me laugh. BTW, thanks for trying to help me out earlier. I thought I just had to deal with it so I was like OK. But then I forgot to sign in once and when I went to reply I was like "That's the window Julie described!" so I wanted it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">