Potty Problems


New member
I certainly have always had potty problems of both "major" kinds (constipation and diarrhea, though generally more diarrhea). I was born with meconium ileus. But that's the only blockage I've had. Ever.

I can't poop!! Haha. So fantastically gross. It's no emergency yet, it's only been slightly over 24 hours since my last. But I need to, and I know I do. I can feel it. I try every few hours. And when I try, I've got nothing. I'm pushing real hard (so gross!), and... zip! Nada! Only two or three of those tiny little drops (about the size of the big marshmallows, or slightly smaller). I feel like if I try much harder, I'm going to see my stomach come out my butt!!!

Being that I haven't had any blockages as an adult, I could use some advise from those of you that have. I've had slight ones before, but they always pass, it just takes a little bit of extra effort. This one seems to be sticking around longer than my previous experiences, so I'm seeking advice from the blockage masters. Thanks!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh man, so disgusting, and I spoke literally, about 3 minutes too soon. I have a laptop, and I know you'll all be glad to know I typed that (and am typing this) while in my bathroom.

But for anyone who may care how it came out (ahahahaa terrible poop pun), I think I ripped myself a new butthole, but I "relieved some pressure" so to speak.

Heh. I'm such a gross doofus. Thanks guys. Hehe. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
In the absense of miralax (which can take 2-3 days to work)... Go Litely. HA! That is the funniest product name ever.


New member
We have used prune juice and Karo syrup successfully with my son,
but he's still so young.  I don't know if that would work with
adults, but if you're really hurting for ideas, it's there.
 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You are just so gross sometimes...it makes me Wooshy! I think you should come in your next life as a toilet brush!!! LOL


New member
All the details.......just makes me laugh. Very funny info Emily. Glad everything now is where it belongs!

Kelly, MyNewfy


New member
Emily- Glad you got some relief, it made me kind of laugh because yesterday our 5 year old with CF came up to me really slow and said "Mom I have a problem, I had a little accident" He apparentely farted and pooped his pants. He needed to fart again later and I told him to run to the toliet and luckily he did because it was worse. He is on lactulose 2 tsp 2 times a day and a capful of miralax everyday, but it seems sometimes he doesn't need all that, yet if he stops he gets a blockage.He also had a bowel blocakge, it actually had burst. I am terrifed of kindergarten in August because I am afraid he will have an accident and be made fun of for the rest of his life.

Step mom to Brittany 14 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12, no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady, 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3, no cf, but chromosome 9q 21.2 q 22.1 deletion


New member
As for your son, be sure to be very explicit with his teacher. Make sure they know accidents happen, even though he's potty-trained, because we have huge GI trouble (and it doesn't mean anything about his behavior or attitude or growth --- we just have trouble, even the adults!). And that if he has one, the teacher needs to not make any kind of deal out of it, but to take care of it privately. Also make sure he knows to tell her in secret (instead of out loud) if it happens.


New member
hi emily.. hope your problem passes soon.. i just wanted to mention something since you said *I'm pushing real hard *.... Id go easy on the straining.. caleb has a BIG history of prolapses because of pushing too hard... Im sure youve done this a million times but i just figured id mention it...



New member
Ahh yeah. I had many prolapses when I was a toddler. But not since then. And I do strain, but not if/when it starts to feel "off." Thanks for the concern and the tip, though. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Emily, Your post topic made me laugh (not for your "problem"...just the idea).

Our family always talks about poop, the frequency, the quality, the smell, the residue, etc etc etc

Glad things worked out<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
i havent pooped properly in days <img src="http://forums.vogue.com.au/images/smilies/newsmiles/eyepop.gif"> i wish the gastro doc didnt make my next appointment so far away.

em, go take some lactulose. 20 mls AT NIGHT, that way if it causes gas no ones gonna mind hehe. if that doesnt work try miralax.

did anyone know that lactulose is actually good for you? the good bacteria in your gut feeds off of it. if you dont like eating fibre rich foods [good bacteria feed off fibre too] this would be good to take regardless of whether you are constipated or not. just take a smaller dose though if you arent constipated.


New member
I'd say massive hydration. I would drink myself stupid if I were you (not alcohol, I mean water), and see if this helps things.


New member
How nice it is to see how open you guys are to discussing even the
most foul sidestreets of our little world.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">Glad to hear it all
worked out!<br>
 I get very paranoid if i get that problem.The two times i've
had it in the past my stomach hurt very bad for 2 or 3 days til i
couldn't take it and went to the emergency room.Wound up getting
surgery both times for abdominal adhesions where(from what they
tell me)they cut out all but the most necessary amount of my lg or
sm intestines.(forget which) Now i had surgery when i was a
newborn when i was diagnost with cf,but after that initial
hospitalization i never had a problem till i was 27.It took all
that time for the scar tissue to build up to the point it became a
problem.It gets all tangled up in the intestine and winds up
cutting it off,you can't go to the bathroom,pass gas or
anything.Anyhow,they cut out most everything the first time and
then 3 years later i get it again. So now,since they can't cut
any more out,they spend about 3 hrs with my stuff all splayed out
trying to untangle everything.My surgeon said it was not something
he wants to do again as i guess it was a big ordeal.So now i live
in great fear of(on top of the rest of it)possibly having to wear
one of those bag things on the outside you have to empty out all
the time.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"><br>
     I don't know if this is a common
problem with cf or rare occasion,they did say because of the cf,my
body doesn't produce enough of the enzymes that are normally
present to eat scar tissue away.I didn't even know enzymes did
that!The first time I asked if i should be worried about this
happening again and they say no,so i don't worry.Then it happens
again and i'm like "uhhh..what can be done to prevent
this?" and they tell me to watch what i eat<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">What the hell
does that have to do with anything?And they don't want to pony up
any info like what foods to avoid,is there any enzymes i can take
to replace those i'm not secreting,,nothing.And why is it that
after the STOMACH surgery,I wake up stuck on a respirater with a
lung infection both times??What's the connection??We don't
know,shrug our shoulders,you have cf,Well i know this,but i could
breathe when i came in here and now i can't without this
f-ing monstrosity protruding from my mouth.This from people
making more money in a year than i may ever see.Probably spent more
$ on their education than i will ever see."Watch what you
eat"...I may not know all the technical jargon they teach
them,but i know damn well watching what kind of oil i put in a car
doesn't have anything to do with how much rust gets on the outside
of my tailpipe.I think some doctors are afraid if you make them
talk to you for more than 2 seconds and force them to answer
questions realistically they will wind up telling you all they know
in about 15 minutes and you'll be qualified to take their job.<br>
I totally didn't mean to go on that long<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">I've posted all of 5
times now and i've already worn out the embarrassed emoticon.I
guess i have some pent up frustration,sometimes i can't just talk
about it a little bit without letting pandora out.Hope ya folks got
a good laugh at least,I wasn't like bawling or anything,just trying
to avoid a cracked head.I maybe should have made my own thread.You
guys should have a "vent" thread.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0"><br>
I'm gonna get a <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> now,then sleepy.Goodnight.<br>
<img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0"> <br>


New member
This works for me ... saves the miralax for more serious incidents...i eat about a cup of prunes followed by about 3 cups worth of hot non caffeine tea. Takes about 3 hours for the system to feel it... Works like a very scary charm...bang!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
You know that scene on Big Mamas House where she is in the bathroom...ohh those stewed prunes!! Nasty , but it works....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">