Potty Training & Prolapse


New member
Hi everyone! Its been a while since I last posted here. Hope everyone is well.

Potty training with my 3 yr old has been slow going but she seems to be catching on.

However, yesterday she had a 'normal' poop in the AM. Later she told me she had to go again, a couple times, but each time not much if anything at all came out.

The last time she told me she had to go, I was looking while she was trying to poop & it looked like she was starting to have another prolapse. I told her to stop because nothing was coming out & I didnt want her straining.

She didnt have any more BMs yesterday. Then she had one this AM, in her diaper (oops I forgot to tell you mom!). her butt looked OK, & so did her poop.

Then, just about an hour ago she told me she had to pee, she didnt pee tho & I noticed she was pushing, so agian, I looked down & noticed it again. It didnt look as 'bad' yesterday, but I made her get up & told her the same thing.

Her BMs have been really good since shes started her enzymes & everything. Before she was diagnosed she was having BMs like 5 times a day & it was really loose. Now she only has it once, maybe twice at most a day.

But now Im totally freaked out about her having another prolapse.
She had about 10 over the course of 2 weeks last august, which is what led to her diagnosis.

Anyone have any words of wisdom for me?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
That is exactly how my (now 8 year old) daughter was dx. She was 14 months at the time. And it made it tough for potty training her. She did ok with peeing in the potty, but when she needed to go poop, she insisted on a diaper/pull-up. For some reason it gave her comfort, and I wanted her relaxed as possible. I used to also get in a warm bath with her and just hold her to get her to relax when she would have a prolapse hoping that it would go back in by itself.

She had a minor surgery done at about 16 months to help with the constant prolapses. And then again at about 18 months after a one week hospital stay with a tube in her bottom<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> and on constant IV's and no food. Now, that was not easy with a toddler who was hungry all of the time. They were trying to get the muscles to get a rest from bowel movements. And I was 8 months pregnant with my second baby during that hospital stay. The second surgery worked well until she was about 3 years old, and then they started again. She had the minor surgical procedure done a 3rd time a few days after she turned 3. And since then, it has only happened a couple of times. I do get really nervous whenever she says that she is having problems pooping or that her bottom is hurting!! I am always worried that they are going to start back up.

My second daughter (now 6 /12 year old) also has CF and has never had a prolapse. Thank God. I just have such a difficult time with them.

My heart goes out to you. This was such a huge ordeal in our life. It took a while to get better. Has your daughter had any procedures to try and help it. Obviously it's not a 100% fix, since we had it done three times. But it is much better. I think that the problem is that when they are malnourished for such a long time with being dx late, it just takes their little bodies a while to heal itself and catch up nutritionally.

Tammy, mom to Kayla (8 w/cf) and Hannah (6 1/2 w/cf) and aunt to Dalton (14 w/cf)


New member
Hi Tammy. Thanks for responding.

We stayed int he hospital over the course of that 2 weeks. They just kept reducing it manually. The ped. surgeon insisted that he did not want to do surgery, and that it would correct itself. If it happens again, for us to just reduce it ourselves.

Thank god it hasnt happened since then, but now Im on edge. She would get so tense when it happened, we couldnt do it ourselves cuz she just pushed it right back out from being upset.

My daughter is the same way as yours was. She prefers pooping in her diaper. Like this morning, she told me she had to go & I asked her if she wanted to go sit on the potty & she told me no, she wanted to be in her diaper.

If I notice it happening again, I will do what you said about a warm bath.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Mommy to Amaya (3) w/ CF


Staff member
We never had a prolapse problem, but did have some constipation poop holding issues shortly after we switched DS to whole milk. He was terrified that something came out of his butt and refused to sit on the potty. So maybe she's being a poop holder and needs to relax.

I supposed just keep trying. We let ds pick out a fun (sponge bob) seat for the toilet, fun wipes to put on the back of the toilet (toy story 2) and fun underwear. We're still working on it.

We're potty training right now and he wears thick training pants and plastic pants over those, but he DOESN'T seem to mind being wet and soggy. He was dry for about two weeks after naps and in the morning and he was dry all day at daycare, would go on the potty. Switched to training pants from diapers and it was a poo and pee fest. Toddlers!



New member
I know that there are some more 'major procedures' that could be done. But the one that we agreed to do on Kayla was where they just went in through her rectum, and made little scratches in the inside to help make it stronger. It was an outpatient surgery each time, and home within two hours that it started. And she had absolutely no pain afterwards. There are no nerve endings in there. She would go home and just play like nothing ever happened<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

And like you, we could not manually do it ourselves. My husband and I would be in tears holding her and fighting to push it back in. It just broke our hearts.

Just keep letting her use the diapers until she is comfortable. It will happen when she is ready<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck. It was so strange when I read your first email, I would swear that I had wrote that!! Your story is exactly like ours!

Tammy, mom to Kayla (8 yr w/cf) and Hannah (6 1/2 yr w/cf) and aunt to Dalton (14 yr w/cf)


New member
Hi Amie, I cant offer any suggestions on this cause as you know, Cheyenne doesnt have an issue with prolapse...Thank the good Lord...
See you at BWJR


New member
Stay on top of this situation. Keep having her take her enzymes. Prolapse is a very serious issue in the Cf community. I'm 40 years old and just had surgery 3 weeks ago to corect the problem and let me tell you it was very unpleasent. I don't mean to scare you but if she gets prolapse even while on enzymes there's a good chance it would have to be corrected surgically so just keep doing what your doing (monitoring) the problem.


New member
Have you tried Myralax or Glycolax (sp?) yet? It is a powder that you put in their drinks that will help regulate their poop and keep them from getting blocked up and having prolapses. This is what my daughter takes every day 1/2 capful in her juice. THen once a month we clean her out by giving her two full capfulls twice per day for a weekend. Many people on this forum don't like Myralax, but my doctor swears by it and since we started this regiman my daughter has not had any prolapses or blockages. You might want to ask your doc about it.

Hope this helps!

Lynsey-mom to Avery 2 1/2 yrs. w/CF and Rhett 1 1/2 yrs. CF carrier