Pregestimil question


New member
My baby was released from the NICU on Friday and they sent me home with Pregestimil formula but there was no mention of enzymes. Unfortunately, I haven't met with the CF doctor yet so I was curious as to if he should be taking enzymes. Does anyone have experience with Pregestimil? Does it not require enzymes?


New member
Hi Jen,

We were sent home on Pregestimil and enzymes. I think that's pretty standard but I have heard conflicting info on this. Since the formula is technically "pre-digested", some Docs say enzymes aren't necessary. Definitely ask your CF Dr. once you have an appointment or even before; I'd just go ahead and call them. Also, you could always call the hospital that you were at and ask them why Andrew wasn't sent home on enzymes. You never know, it may have simply been an oversight. We were once sent home from the hospital without an Rx for oral antibiotics. We were new to CF so we had no idea that continuing with oral antibiotics after a course of IV antibiotics was SOP. When our regular CF Dr. found out that the resident and attending on call screwed it up, heads began to roll and we received a personal phone call from the attending to apologize.


New member
My daughter was on pregestimil and enzymes. We had to crush the enzynes to go into the pregestimil.They do need them.


New member
Our son is 9 months old, he has been on pregestimil + enzymes since he was diagnosed. When he frist came home we gave him his enzymes though his g-tube but now he gets them with a spoon of applesauce.


New member
Jen, I don't have an answer to your question but Andrew is so beautiful! I hope all continues to go well for you. My love and prayers to you and your family!


New member
Hi Jennifer

My daughter was placed on pregetimil before we found out she had CF. She didn't use any enzymes the first 2 weeks. They placed her on a powder enzyme that burned her mouth. It was too strong. Then they placed her on Creon 5, which are little capsules that you can open up and pour in their mouth or put on applesauce. Those were much easier. She's still on those now and she's 2. Pregestimil worked great for her, but it is soo expensive. Our insurance covered it after 1 month of fighting with them. Take care. Your baby is sooo cute!