
I have been on time with my period and then all of a sudden I missed it this Monday. I have been feeling sick lately and me and my bf did it two or three days before my ovulation. I have been bloating and just had cramp today. I was wandering if I was pregnant? We are going to test on Friday.


praying for you as you find out today, Kat. There are many reasons to be late especially at age 14 when your body is still getting used to all the changes, but pregnancy is technically possible anytime you choose to be intimate. I've had more than one baby that we've conceived on the outside edge of that ovulation window. You are so young to be giving away this gift of yourself. You are worth so much more, Kat.


Super Moderator
Hi Kat,

Are you currently trying to conceive? I'm just curious as to why/how you know when you ovulated? I know at 19 I had absolutely no clue when I ovulated. ;) It was only later after we started trying to conceive that I started charting, tracking my symptoms and basal body temperature, that I was able to figure out when I typically ovulated.

If you are not trying to conceive, are you using any type of birth control? Since you are sexually active, I would definitely try to get on something asap. There are so many options today, that you should be able to find something that works for you. Also condoms are a good choice and you can usually get them free at a Planned Parenthood or similar clinic if money is a problem.

Let us know what you find out.

Take Care,

Autumn 32 w/CF
I wasn't pregnant just late. I have pains a week before I'm suppose to start. Idk if weather and mucus can hold my period back but I just had a late period. I am 19.


I apologize for reading the penpal thread wrong and thinking you were only 14. :)


New member
What kind of birth control should I use. I have cf btw.

Condoms should be fine. As long as you use them properly!!! don't start "freestyle" and then put the condom once things get "hard", the condom should be there from the beggining, ok??? before it rains there are always a few drops falling, and thats all you need to get pregnant.

I dont know how to make myself more clear without being explicit (or more explicit).

I hope you have learnt something out of that scare.