

New member
Our daughter is 4 yrs old and was recently on antibiotics a chronic sinus & ear infections. We made a few changes and she seems to be rid of these syptoms for the time being. One of the changes her dr's made was to put her on probiotics (about a year ago). We have found that she is doing much better and has less infections and colds. She is using Bacid but I am sure there are others out there. I'm just wondering if other people are using probiotics and if they are seeing positive affects as well.For others who are not using a probiotic they may want to consider talking to their dr. We were hesitatnt at first because it was just more pills to take, but in the end she is taking less antiobitics because of it so it has been worth it. It is a natural bacteria that our body produces but that is killed off with the use of antiobitics. It is only good to your system as long as you take it. Our daughter is taking it 3x/day but I would rather something natural than an antibiotic.Heather


New member
Hi Heather,My son has been taking a probiotic since he was diagnosed, it is called Primadofilis and it contains acidophilis which promotes seasonal respiratory health, and bifidobacterium which keeps good bacteria in the gut which is important if antiobiotics have killed all that good bacteria.His health has been reasonable and rarely have a cold.I really think it is worth taking.I have also been informed of another product called floragen that is claimed to be good also.Fortunately my brother in law works at a pharmaceutical firm and he passes all this extra stuff onto me for reading!RegardsRebekah LambertMom to Matt 12mths


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I was told by my child's doctor to put my 23 month old on Floragen. I am having tremendous difficulty finding any place that has it. Any suggestions?


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I'm refreshing an old post on probiotics. Is anyone using these? My daughter is on antibiotics for the first time and seems to have all of the nasty side effects... yeast infection/diaper rash... diahrea... etc. Someone told me that probiotics might be good and I wondered about others experiences in addition to the ones I found in the archives.

Also do you know of some good reading on the topic? I checked WebMD, but of course no discussion of CF and probiotics. We have a doc appt. next week and I'd like to have some info at hand to discuss!



New member
My daughter has been taking probiotics for the past year now. I pasted the info on the one she takes (it was recommended to me by a Naturopathic Doctor who my family has known for years). She takes one a day while not an anti's and 2 a day while on anti's and for 2 weeks after coming off anti's. I ran out of them a little while ago and didn't get more for about a week - I started noticing a big difference (bad) in her BM's within a couple of days of stopping them and saw improvement again after a couple of days of starting them. When choosing a probiotic for someone with digestion/absorption troubles, it is important to find one that contains a high amount of various organisms. This one retails for $31 on the Nature's Sunshine website but I pay just over $20 for it at the local health food store.

As far as finding information about probiotics, you should be able to find stuff at places like I don't know if there are any resources that deal specifically with CF and probiotics but you should be able to come up with general info (like taking them with antibiotics, etc). Also, there is a CF Nutrition board through yahoo where many of the people with (and parents of those with) use probiotcs.

Kelli (mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf)
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
PROBIOTIC ELEVEN by Nature's Sunshine

A Comprehensive Probiotic

Description: Probiotic Eleven [Intestinal, Digestive, Immune] represents a unique combination of healthful probiotics to help maintain and replenish intestinal supply. These microorganisms perform essential functions in the body and are affected by aging, adverse intestinal pH, microbial interactions, environmental and dietary temperatures, stress, physiological factors, peristalsis, bile acids, host secretions and immune responses.

Probiotic Eleven provides 11 species of live microorganisms that exert many beneficial health effects. Among other things, they support digestion, promote immunity and aid in the elimination of toxins. Probiotics also help regulate intestinal functions and can greatly support colon function. This specially formulated blend contains strains of important gut-beneficial organisms and prebiotics (non-digestible foodstuffs including fiber) that serve as food for the probiotics in the colon. Clinical studies have shown that short- and long-chain fructooligo-saccharides (FOS) may improve growth of friendly microorganisms, enhance mineral absorption, support bowel health and function and promote immune function.

Ingredients include deleted strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum, B. infantis, B. longum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius, Streptococcus thermophilus, L. acidophilus, L. casei and inulin.
This product is recommended for individuals who regularly experience occasional constipation or other minor concerns or discomforts of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended after colon cleansing.

Take 1-2 capsules daily with meals.

? Helps relieve ocasional gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea.
? Populates the gut with beneficial microflora.
? Supports digestion.


New member
I am the original poster from April 2004. Our daughter is now 5 and still on the probiotics. She is prescribed by her CF dietician and takes them 3 x's / day all year long. The probiotic name is bacid. The main ingredient your child needs is acidopholus (not sure on spelling) and I believe there has been quite a few studies done to prove the benefits in CF patients but I don't know where to find them.



New member
Thanks everybody! That helps a lot... it's especially good to know that you're still using them a year later. I'll talk with the docs next week!



New member
I have given our daughter Bio-X it has over 50 BILLION good baterias, It is sold at health food stores about $5.00 a small size bottle which resembles and tastes like yougart. I was only giving it to her when she was on antibiotics but i will now give it to her once a day. I noticed a difference when she was on antibiotics so it won't hurt to help regulate her tummy all the time.
mom to Brinly 18mo w/cf and Birgess 4 w/o