Problems with 504 Plan


New member
Has anyone here had problems with their or their sons/daughters 504 plan? How would it work when s/he went into the hospital? I myself had a horrible time with it. My school refused it, so they failed me even though I had a 3.81 highschool average (3 semesters). Im doing ok now, Im going into my second year of college at age 17, I just wanted to know if anyone else had ever had a problem with their schools 504.Thanks


New member
Hi - This year we chose to "classify" our child since he qualified for occupational therapy services and chronic illness related modifications. I was very confused when the district asked me if I wanted him to be a 504 or classified. He was previously qualified for gross motor, fine motor and speech delays. We have a bit more flexibility with being absent and the school suppling home school instruction as a result. In the future he may be changed to a 504; which according to friends with children with other chronic conditions, have not had any problems with. I believe our school district has had quite a bit of experience with such issues and really is working with parents; however I have heard of many districts that needed to be educated as to the students' rights. I hope this is helpful.