Is it possible to have been tested positive for the presense of the pseudomonas bug also (serratia? ) and not have CF? My granddaughter has tested positive twice for it, once four years ago when she was hospitalized with pneumonia and again this past November when she was hospitalized for 8 days, with respiratory problems. In between these two hospitalzations she has been healthy except for a very bad sinius infection last year. Probably should add she is 20, is serverly developmently delayed, is much like a 3 month old, having been born with an undiagnoised metalbolic disorder with seizures. Has as long as I can remember had a strong cough producing at times tons of secections. And as of right now from time to time coughing up secrections with yellow in it, although seems to be feeling okay as far as we can tell. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.