

New member
Hi, I am Lara, mum to Alana who is 14 months old, w/cf. We are in Australia. Alana was diagnosed at 7 weeks from her foot prick test taken when she was born. We have so far been very lucky as Alana has only had one very mild cold since being diagnosed and has taken really well to her enzymes. She has had no hospital visits. I am just wanting to know whether pseudomonas are only checked for if Alana is sick? Can she still culture these bugs and show no signs of being sick? Thanks!
Hi my daughter Chelsie was diagnosed at 8 months old we are from the UK.
Chelsie first isolated Pseudomonas 3 years ago but with no symptoms that was the shock so in answer to your question not everyone will have symptoms of Pseudomonas. Good luck. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think it depends on the doctor as well. 90% of the time I give a sputum sample to see if I am growing new bugs, controlling what I did have etc. I often dont know I have something until its advanced a bit so they like to keep on top of things for me. With a child who cant communicate things or for new parents to a CFer, it might take a bit to learn the differences in signs when they are sick versus a normal CF day.


New member
All CFF accredited centers in the US are supposed to take a sputum culture (or throat swab for infants/toddlers) at the quarterly clinic appointments. Pseudomonas can definately be present with no symptoms so it is important to check for it (and other bacterias) frequently.


New member
The CF centers here in the US test for pseudomonas and other bacteria by running a swab on the back of their throat. It often will make the kids gag when they do this. My son had pseudomonas a year ago but has not tested positive for it again after a few months of antibotics. He did not have any symptoms that would lead us to believe that the had this bacteria so I am glad they check often (every 2 or 3 months). Glad to hear that Alana is doing so well.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf