Someone that my husband works with said that he goes to church with a woman who has CF & wanted to know if I would be willing to speak with her because she is not doing well. Of course I try I said yes. My husband brought home the name/# of this woman & I know her. I called my Mom & best friend from school to see if they knew she had CF & no one knew anything. We all thought it was odd that we didnt know. We live in the country & every family knows the other or at least enough that something like this shouldnt slip past. She also is much older with grandkids, but as we are learning that doesnt mean anything. So I decide to call because I need to know. It turns out she has Excentra (sp?) (similiar to excentric--unusual, unexplained) Pulmonary Fibrosis. Although much of her breathing difficulties are similiar it is not a genetic illness nor due they know the cause & its not very common. The basics is that the lungs turn to leather type consistancy not allowing them to work properly which of course makes it hard to breath. When she was diagnosed 5 years ago the Dr. told her not to expect more then 5 years & during her recent checkup was reminded that in January her 5 years is up. I said, "You cant get an extended warranty? I mean thats what he makes it sound like." She just laughed (as best as she could). She told the Dr. that since they cant do anything to stop the progression that whatever it is it is.....My whole point is that she is a very sweet, sweet lady. She took my number & said she will keep in touch because even tho our illnesses are different, the breathing difficulties are comparable at points. Has anyone ever heard of this?