

New member
I've been listening to Jerrys' podcast about airway clearance. When do ya'll do pulmozyme. Reece does albeutrol, vest, pulmozyme, & TOBI, & flovent. I was just wondering if he should do it before the vest. As I've heard it done both ways!


New member
Our pulmo told us to do the pulmozyme in the morning. We do her albuterol first(open airways) then Pulmozyme. We wait about 30 minutes(our pulmonologist instructed us to do this) then Vest. The pulmozyme is an enzyme so it needs time to work and not just shake it right out after nebbing it. Our pulmo said pulmozyme can loosen up the mucous but you want that mucous to get up and out. If you don't use the VEST or cpt the mucous could move to lower airways instead of getting shaken out. Hope this makes sense. My daughter also does pulmicort but we just mix it with the albuterol to save time.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy almost 8 no CF and Maggie 3 1/2 with CF)


Super Moderator
Great question, I'm kinda wondering this myself.

Originally, we did albuterol, pulmozyme...waited 30 minutes to 1 hour and then did CPT.

Then we asked our RT...How long can we wait to do CPT after pulmozyme? Could we wait 2 to 3 hours and it still be effective?

She said that would be fine. In fact, they think the longer the pulmozyme can sit in the lungs the better. So she told us we could do it right before bed, and then do albuterol and CPT in the AM. Or we could have Sarah do the pulmozyme after school and then do albuterol and CPT in the evening. (We always do albuterol and CPT in the AM and PM, just wanted to make that clear.) So it is just a matter of figuring out how best to fit the pulmozyme in.

Sorry if my answer is so confusing......


New member
Definitely do pulmozyme BEFORE CPT. you want to thin the mucus so you can cough it up easier with CPT! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I wouldn't wait for hours to do CPT. Do it right after.


New member
I do mine in the am after my albeuterol & pulmicort, but before my vest. I did it at night in the hospital & hated it because I coughed all night. I had them switch it to am like I did at home~


New member
Thanks everyone who relpied!!!! We do the pulmo in the AM as well. So Im gonna try the pulmo BEFORE the vest tomorrow!!!!


New member
We do Xopenex, then Pulmozyne in the evening before bed. We do the VEST the same time as the nebulizers. I was told that the VEST is not really shaking things up... Warwick's new VEST jsut adds water somehow to the mucous. So it is not shaking the meds out..



New member
wow...my daughter does albuterol, waits 15 mins...then does the pulmozyme while doing her vest...same process in the am except with HS instead of pulmozyme. All these differing answers makes you wonder which one is correct.


I always do it at night before bed. I do the albuterol first, then I do the Pulmozyme and use my percussor at the same time. I don't recall ever being told to wait before I do the CPT. If I recall correctly, they had said to do the CPT (or vest) at the same time as the Pulmozyme to get it coughed up. That's a new one to me. I'll have to ask about that next time I go to the clinic. I've been doing it this way for at least 8-9 years.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

wow...my daughter does albuterol, waits 15 mins...then does the pulmozyme while doing her vest...same process in the am except with HS instead of pulmozyme. All these differing answers makes you wonder which one is correct.</end quote></div>

Different answer definitely. I think some of it depends on what works best for you. I personally wouldnt use Pulmozyme while doing my vest. It costs too much & I know for a fact that I wont inhale as much while doing the vest. I dont like doing any nebs with my vest on, but I did try doing my saline with it figuring that wasnt expensive if I didnt inhale it all. Its just too much for me to tolerate at once. So my treatments end up being longer, but I have the time so its not big deal for me!


Staff member
We do albuterol and atrovent to open up the airways while doing CPT at the last treatment before bed, then pulmozyme. That way if DS is on Tobi, we don't have to add that to the mix every other month during his morning or middle treatment. We just always do it before bed. RT told us it was better 'cuz it has a chance to work longer over night. L


New member
Here's what we were told...

Always try to do your Pulmozyme at the same time. It doesn't matter if it's am or pm just try and do it at the same general time everyday.

Sean does his albuterol and pulmozyme while he's doing his vest which is what we were told to do when we got the vest. The only nebulized med we were told not to do with the vest was Tobi. Incidentally, we were also told never to do Tobi and Pulmozyme during the same session.

It sounds like we've all gotten different "instructions". It would be nice to know the "official" line on all of this.