

New member
Hi everyone...

So at our last clinic visit my 16 month old son's pulmonologist prescribed pulmozyme. I have used a nebulizer previously with my daughter, who has asthma, but she was 3 when we started. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to introduce the med without scaring him? And for those who started pulmozyme on their children around this age... how did they react?



New member
Hi everyone...

So at our last clinic visit my 16 month old son's pulmonologist prescribed pulmozyme. I have used a nebulizer previously with my daughter, who has asthma, but she was 3 when we started. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to introduce the med without scaring him? And for those who started pulmozyme on their children around this age... how did they react?



New member
Hi everyone...

So at our last clinic visit my 16 month old son's pulmonologist prescribed pulmozyme. I have used a nebulizer previously with my daughter, who has asthma, but she was 3 when we started. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to introduce the med without scaring him? And for those who started pulmozyme on their children around this age... how did they react?



New member
Hi everyone...

So at our last clinic visit my 16 month old son's pulmonologist prescribed pulmozyme. I have used a nebulizer previously with my daughter, who has asthma, but she was 3 when we started. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to introduce the med without scaring him? And for those who started pulmozyme on their children around this age... how did they react?



New member
Hi everyone...
<br />
<br />So at our last clinic visit my 16 month old son's pulmonologist prescribed pulmozyme. I have used a nebulizer previously with my daughter, who has asthma, but she was 3 when we started. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to introduce the med without scaring him? And for those who started pulmozyme on their children around this age... how did they react?
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<br />Thanks


New member
We just went through 28 days of Tobi with Caleb, 16 months. We watch lots of Elmo on T.V. and on youtube and veggie tales. We also read books. Get a really good compressor, so it will not take too long. The respironic made it last close to 20 or 30 minutes and the pulmomate lasted only 7 minutes or so.
Does your son represent with cough? If not, you will not see any difference. There are a lot of differing opinions on pulmozyme.
From the info I gathered, I chose to stop the pulmozyme, as my sons have no lung issues.


New member
We just went through 28 days of Tobi with Caleb, 16 months. We watch lots of Elmo on T.V. and on youtube and veggie tales. We also read books. Get a really good compressor, so it will not take too long. The respironic made it last close to 20 or 30 minutes and the pulmomate lasted only 7 minutes or so.
Does your son represent with cough? If not, you will not see any difference. There are a lot of differing opinions on pulmozyme.
From the info I gathered, I chose to stop the pulmozyme, as my sons have no lung issues.


New member
We just went through 28 days of Tobi with Caleb, 16 months. We watch lots of Elmo on T.V. and on youtube and veggie tales. We also read books. Get a really good compressor, so it will not take too long. The respironic made it last close to 20 or 30 minutes and the pulmomate lasted only 7 minutes or so.
Does your son represent with cough? If not, you will not see any difference. There are a lot of differing opinions on pulmozyme.
From the info I gathered, I chose to stop the pulmozyme, as my sons have no lung issues.


New member
We just went through 28 days of Tobi with Caleb, 16 months. We watch lots of Elmo on T.V. and on youtube and veggie tales. We also read books. Get a really good compressor, so it will not take too long. The respironic made it last close to 20 or 30 minutes and the pulmomate lasted only 7 minutes or so.
Does your son represent with cough? If not, you will not see any difference. There are a lot of differing opinions on pulmozyme.
From the info I gathered, I chose to stop the pulmozyme, as my sons have no lung issues.


New member
We just went through 28 days of Tobi with Caleb, 16 months. We watch lots of Elmo on T.V. and on youtube and veggie tales. We also read books. Get a really good compressor, so it will not take too long. The respironic made it last close to 20 or 30 minutes and the pulmomate lasted only 7 minutes or so.
<br />Does your son represent with cough? If not, you will not see any difference. There are a lot of differing opinions on pulmozyme.
<br />From the info I gathered, I chose to stop the pulmozyme, as my sons have no lung issues.
<br />Blessings,
<br />Missa


New member
Our son started nebbed medicines at about 3 months and there were good days and not so good with getting him to tolerate and not fuss and thrash. We used the masks and held it to his face rather than try to get him to put up with having it strapped on - he did not get as much of the medicines of course but we took the attitude that getting him used to it was more important than worrying about how much of the med he got. By the time he had teeth he was good about complying with it all. We tried to do it while he slept but the noisy compressor woke him up every time and waking to it was worse than if we just did it when he was already up.

As for pulmozyme - he's done it from somewhere around 1 or 2 years old and we have no idea if it makes much difference, but it is not doing any harm and goes pretty quick. We've actually found that Hypertonic saline is more effective at clearing junk when he's got something going on.


New member
Our son started nebbed medicines at about 3 months and there were good days and not so good with getting him to tolerate and not fuss and thrash. We used the masks and held it to his face rather than try to get him to put up with having it strapped on - he did not get as much of the medicines of course but we took the attitude that getting him used to it was more important than worrying about how much of the med he got. By the time he had teeth he was good about complying with it all. We tried to do it while he slept but the noisy compressor woke him up every time and waking to it was worse than if we just did it when he was already up.

As for pulmozyme - he's done it from somewhere around 1 or 2 years old and we have no idea if it makes much difference, but it is not doing any harm and goes pretty quick. We've actually found that Hypertonic saline is more effective at clearing junk when he's got something going on.


New member
Our son started nebbed medicines at about 3 months and there were good days and not so good with getting him to tolerate and not fuss and thrash. We used the masks and held it to his face rather than try to get him to put up with having it strapped on - he did not get as much of the medicines of course but we took the attitude that getting him used to it was more important than worrying about how much of the med he got. By the time he had teeth he was good about complying with it all. We tried to do it while he slept but the noisy compressor woke him up every time and waking to it was worse than if we just did it when he was already up.

As for pulmozyme - he's done it from somewhere around 1 or 2 years old and we have no idea if it makes much difference, but it is not doing any harm and goes pretty quick. We've actually found that Hypertonic saline is more effective at clearing junk when he's got something going on.


New member
Our son started nebbed medicines at about 3 months and there were good days and not so good with getting him to tolerate and not fuss and thrash. We used the masks and held it to his face rather than try to get him to put up with having it strapped on - he did not get as much of the medicines of course but we took the attitude that getting him used to it was more important than worrying about how much of the med he got. By the time he had teeth he was good about complying with it all. We tried to do it while he slept but the noisy compressor woke him up every time and waking to it was worse than if we just did it when he was already up.

As for pulmozyme - he's done it from somewhere around 1 or 2 years old and we have no idea if it makes much difference, but it is not doing any harm and goes pretty quick. We've actually found that Hypertonic saline is more effective at clearing junk when he's got something going on.


New member
Our son started nebbed medicines at about 3 months and there were good days and not so good with getting him to tolerate and not fuss and thrash. We used the masks and held it to his face rather than try to get him to put up with having it strapped on - he did not get as much of the medicines of course but we took the attitude that getting him used to it was more important than worrying about how much of the med he got. By the time he had teeth he was good about complying with it all. We tried to do it while he slept but the noisy compressor woke him up every time and waking to it was worse than if we just did it when he was already up.
<br />
<br />As for pulmozyme - he's done it from somewhere around 1 or 2 years old and we have no idea if it makes much difference, but it is not doing any harm and goes pretty quick. We've actually found that Hypertonic saline is more effective at clearing junk when he's got something going on.


New member
My daughter was 18 mos. when we started Pulmozyme. We held her during treatments for the first couple of months and she was allowed to watch kids videos. Is he also doing the Vest? She started the Vest at 2 yrs. old and it was an easy transition from only nebs to Vest and nebs.

Good luck.


New member
My daughter was 18 mos. when we started Pulmozyme. We held her during treatments for the first couple of months and she was allowed to watch kids videos. Is he also doing the Vest? She started the Vest at 2 yrs. old and it was an easy transition from only nebs to Vest and nebs.

Good luck.


New member
My daughter was 18 mos. when we started Pulmozyme. We held her during treatments for the first couple of months and she was allowed to watch kids videos. Is he also doing the Vest? She started the Vest at 2 yrs. old and it was an easy transition from only nebs to Vest and nebs.

Good luck.


New member
My daughter was 18 mos. when we started Pulmozyme. We held her during treatments for the first couple of months and she was allowed to watch kids videos. Is he also doing the Vest? She started the Vest at 2 yrs. old and it was an easy transition from only nebs to Vest and nebs.

Good luck.


New member
My daughter was 18 mos. when we started Pulmozyme. We held her during treatments for the first couple of months and she was allowed to watch kids videos. Is he also doing the Vest? She started the Vest at 2 yrs. old and it was an easy transition from only nebs to Vest and nebs.
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<br />Good luck.
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