
New member

I started Singulair and Nasonex 2 months ago for severe allergies to cats. We have two cats at home that are part of the family and I can't imagine getting rid of them!

Everything has been GREAT up till two weeks ago. I am now back to coughing all day, using an albuterol inhaler several times a day, wheezing, and waking up several times in the night.

I had several people tell me they used Singulair and it worked great for a couple of months but then it seemed to stop working.

Have you heard anything like this about Singulair? Why would a medication work for a couple of months and then just stop working???

Has anyone else on this site used Singulair, and if yes did it stop working for you??



New member
Cheyenne is on Singulair too. I dont really notice any difference in when she is on it or if I let it run out...oops I try not to do that, but it happens....


New member
One more question Amy,

Is there REALLY any difference between generic and name brand? I bought some Claritin today but bought the WalMart brand because it was cheaper.



New member
Amy, you said singulair and antihistamines used together are too drying. Is this only in CF people? Also, what about cf people with allergies/asthma? My husband and 2 of my children all use an anti-histamine with singulair. Hubby uses singulair, advair 250, allegra 180 and is 3 yrs into his third round of allergy shots but still has severe allergies and moderately severe breakthrough symptoms (when he was last tested, he had such severe reactions to 75% of what he was tested for that they had to give him claritin, zyrtec, and pred in the office.) DD uses singulair, nasonex, zyrtec, patanol eye drops, allergy shots since age 2 and advair 100 seasonally. She's being retested next week because she still has moderately severe breakthrough symptoms on this regimine. She's 6. DS uses advair 250, singulair, and either zyrtec or hist-a-vent plus weekly allergy shots. He's 8 and has the worst lung and sinus involvement but his allergies are not as severe. We did rhinocort aqua for 2 years followed by 2 years of nasonex but now only use nasonex in the fall when his allergies are the worst (ragweed/mold). I'm just wondering why none of the drs, pulmo, 2 allergists, etc have never mentioned this about singulair and anti-histamines? Or, do they regularly use them together if the singulair's purpose is for the asthma (as is the case in all 3)? Thanks. DH does not have cf.