Question about amniocentesis


New member
I found this board and am hoping that someone out there has some insight/ experience to offer. My husband and I had a daughter in August of 2011. Her newborn screening test came back to say that she had a two gene mutation for CF. My husband and I were both unaware until that point that we were even carriers! She has had a sweat test every six months that have so far been negative. The doctors are monitoring her closely, but our concern is that we have recently found out that we are pregnant again. Knowing that we both carrier a mutated gene, we know that this baby also runs the risk of getting them. Is a amniocentesis recommended in this case? Is there something different that has to be done during my pregnancy knowing all of this information? We have made an appointment to see the doctor, just wondering if anyone has any advice or experience to share?


New member
We did not have the test done for either of our kids. The risk was to great and the results wont change anything. Unless your considering aborting you can wait till they are born to test. I wouldn't risk the baby otherwise. Abortion was never an option for us, both of our boys have cf and couldn't imagine life without them. The cf has no affect on the pregnancy itself


Super Moderator
Yes, an amnio has risks to the baby. You, though, can have ultrasounds (and I would recommend) because they can watch the intestines to make sure no problems. And congrats on your two babies!


New member
We were the same way when our now 13 year old was born with CF and meconium ileas. We had never heard of CF and had no clue that we were carriers either. We when we found out we were pregnant with our now 7 year old we chose not to get the amnio b/c of the risk and it wasn't going to change anything. We weren't going to abort so we just went with the pregnancy and thru the newborn screening in our state he was diagnosed with CF also. When I got pregnant with our daughter who is almost 2 we also chose not to have the amnio b/c once again we weren't going to change anything. Thru the newborn screening she was negative for CF. I did worry thru my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies but I knew after the first one and the 2 1/2 months in the hospital that I wanted more children regardless of the CF factor. We are done having kids now b/c they are hard on the body and we are happy with our 3 precious babies. One thing we did do with the 2nd and 3rd pregnancies b/c we knew the 1 in 4 chances we did the genetic counseling that the dr. and CF clinic suggested which was okay.

Good luck