question about cf


New member
Hey, i was wondering....if you have cf, can you marry someone with cf? Like can you actually live with someone that has it as well as you or date someone that has it when you do? I just wanted to know!


Actually Tamara, as I see it, the answer would have to be no. (Not to say it's impossible, just too risky to be realistic)

I'd go further, but am a little to self-concious as to how I'd reply the reasons why. I thought of the same thing, when I had a crush on another girl who had CF. At that time, b. cepacia and other hard to beat lung infections were not around, yet. But, basically, to answer the easiest way, it would be difficult for both to take care of each other when they are both sick at the same time.

Hopefully someone else can add more reason to what I've already expressed.

btw, if you go to the "Young People" section and scroll down, someone asked pretty much the same question.


New member
Yes there are risks, lots of risks even just being friends. But I personally know couples in which both have cf, some married some just dating. Its a personal descion in which both parties think the risks are nothing compared to being with the person they love. Each party discusses risks involved. Sometimes one person has a certain bug that the other doesnt, that could put the others health at a serious risk. But if they think its worth it to be with the other than thats what happens.

The risks arent fact they are really serious. For example say a girl with cf dates a boy with cf. The girl has b cepcia but the boy doesnt. He can and more than likely will get cepecia. This bug can devestate lungs, in some people its slow and might not be so bad, but others it works fast and drastically changes lung function.

Again if the two people invovled talk about all the risks and agree that its worth it to both of them than its their choice. Now that doesnt mean that one person doesnt care that their partner will contract their "bugs". Im saying that the "healthier" cfer wants to take the risks, and risk their own health to be with the one they love.

Its one of those very hard things to really answer. Of course doctors and alot of people would like the answer to be no, cfers can not date each other, nor be friends with one another. But that just wont happen.