Question about coughing/sneezing


Hello. I thought I would post this to see if anybody else has experienced this. After coughing hard for a few minutes, I break out in a sneeze in the middle of coughing. I know my sister does this as well. Just wondered if anybody else has experienced this (if maybe it is a CF related thing) or if we are just odd balls! Thanks!


New member
I get that on the occasion. Not sure if its CF related or not. I'm going to lean more towards no, because my BF does the same and he doesn't have CF. Same with my mum.


New member
I did this every morning before the break out cough. It was a sign that I was breaking up the stuff. Be glad that you have it if it does the same for you as it did for me. I was not able to bring things up until I had my big sneeze and cough lol.

when you cough and sneeze hard try and hold your head straight so it does not go forward. You can end up with some neck problems if you let your head go forward often. There is lots of pressure created going forward with a cough and sneeze.

Take care and you are not alone


Digital opinion leader
It happens to me too. (no cf) It seems to happen when I get a tickley cough and my nose starts to run. The tickle makes me sneeze all at once. Its kind of dramatic, but it makes sense since all those things are connected.


New member
It happens to me all the time and people are like "hmmm are
you coughing or should I say bless you?" LOL and I usually
cough and then sneeze like 3 weird.


New member
I do this too so I'm pretty sure it's not CF related. Allergies are pretty bad this year on the West coast, not sure about elsewhere. I got so bored the other day I counted my sneezes, 86 in 1 day, from when I woke up to when I went to bed. Must be the babies...


New member
I have done this & it is one of the more difficult things to do LOL! I have even had to pull the car over when it started while driving because my eyes close & I cant concentrate since I do sneezes in 3's usually and when you add the cough! OUCH!


Thank you all for replying. I'm glad to know that I'm not just weird (lol). I don't really think, at least for me anyway, that it is allergies. I have never had any problems with allergies (none that I know of anyway). Thanks again for the input.


New member
I have the same problem, but I also have chronic sinusitis, too. Sometimes (and this is gross) I'll even cough up a mucus plug (small one) into my sinuses and then sneeze it nasty...