Question about MRI - fluid on spleen and pelvis


New member

My 8 year old son has been having pain and nausea for several months now. He is pancreatic insufficient and takes Creon. Because of complaints of pain and nausea, he had an MRCP (without contrast) done yesterday. I reveiced the report today (before hearing from the doctor). Everything was unremarkable except for small amounts of free fluid around the opper spleena nd in the pelvis. Does anyone know what this means? Bill, I know you have a lot of expereince with pancreatitis, would this be associtated with that? I know they were looking for possible signs of chronic pancretitis.

Thank you all in advance. A very worried Mom who is tired of her 8 year old asking for the pain and nausea to go away for his Chrismas gift.



Super Moderator
WOW!! I want to know the answer to that one myself. Nothing unremarkable about this tidbit on the report. My first thought is a ruptured pseudo-cyst maybe on the pancreas or a kidney. My abdomen is cluttered with them. They can burn like sin and depending what is trying to function feel like a nasty UTI or clogged common bile duct. In my experience they have been infected maybe 1 in 10 times. Visualizing even a tiny amount of fluid is frightening so worry until you know for sure. If it were an abscess that burst no MRI would be hanging out with unknown potential. To that end I don't see a rush to the E.R in the immediate future.