Question about MRSA


New member
Hi! My question is......How careful should we be around Reeces' 1 month old cousins? He has cultured postive for MRSA. They live across the street & I would love for Reece to go with me when we visit, help out, etc. But I'm nervous he can give them this. Oct. 2004 is when he 1 st cultured pos. & our "friends" made it clear that they did'nt feel comfortable for Reece to be playing with their kids.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> I know that MRSA is very powerful stuff & I also know that ppl carry it w/out knowing it for years.....but since I DO know Reece has it what precautions should we take?
Leah mommy 2 Reece 3yrs old w/CF<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
these other kids dont have cf right? so what is their problem? there are no precautions you should take around healthy non cfers. they also dont need to know whether your son has mrsa or not. keep it quiet otherwise you will probably get more paranoid mums 'banning' your son from playing with their kids.


New member
No they dont have Cf. Thats what my husband said....dont tell anyone but I think of it as what if the shoe was on the other foot...i would want to know.
Leah<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
I was told by my CF center that with MRSA as long as we are not productively coughing stuff up.. and as long as tissues are thrown out properly..that it won't be an issue. I was told that colonizing MRSA isn't a problem.. it is only problamatic when we are in an excerbation of it.. Like having fevers.. and symptoms of the MRSA. It is harder with a kid.. because they are not the best about covering their cough.. and stuff....

When I cultured MRSA I was very honest and upfront with everyone about it....and I am sorry I was... in some ways.. because most ppl don't know the difference between being colonized with it and having an active infection......

For the record.. the head of infectious disease at the hospital I work at told me... (because I was forced to see him when I told them I cultured MRSA) that as high as 40 percent of health care workers have MRSA their nasal passages. they just don't get sick with it because they don't have icky lungs like us...that should make all you hospital stayers feel real safe...

Also, does he still culture the MRSA? They now have a new drug called Zyvox that is kick butt top of the line drug.. It is the strongest antibiotic for MRSA ever made.. I took a few week course of it via IV in October... It doesn't bring me a lot of comfort to know that I have already had the biggest guns they have in antibiotics.. already.. but it did work well...

I know MRSA has a real bad name... when I told some of my friends at school they didn't want to sit next to me.... I am still afraid to touch other ppls food now.. because of what they will think.. not because I am going to give them something.. because I can't... but it is sad for me.. and I would imagine sad for you as well...

Anyway... Good luck with you son,



New member
I was told by our CF doc that as long as the child your CF child is playing with is otherwise healthy it should not be a problem. that being said, a one month old baby does not have a mature immune system, so as a mom I may be a little more cautious. As Jennifer said as long as Reece does not have an active infection, like coughing and runny nose it's probobly ok. I tend to Purell my daughter's hand alot. I guess it's just what your comfortable with.

I do not tell friends what bug my child is growing. I have only told my parents, my in laws and my sister. Like Jennifer said , people just don't understand it or they might understand part of it. I feel I use good judgement and hygiene. I would never bring my daughter around people with cancer, getting chemo, or someone with a compromised immune system or elderly with chronic lung disease... I think these are the people most at risk from picking up MRSA.

Rebecca(mom to Maggie 3 with CF and Sammy 7 no CF)


New member
I want to know if OTHER people have MRSA and they're going to be around DS because of his CF, but that's mainly because CFers are suseptible to infections. He has cultured pseudamonas A and HIB, but other people he's around don't need to know about it, except I did tell a couple of coworkers who were undergoing chemo that I didn't think I should allow DS to come visit them 'cuz he's a germy little boy and I was concerned about their immune systems. I suggested they visit with their doctors to make sure. DS also has a new cousin and we figured he can wait a few months before he meets her because of teeny tiny baby immune systems. I know OTHER people have brought their children to see her, but I'd rather be cautious.

A year ago an older relative was hospitalized for a nasty infection in his leg/hip he couldn't get rid of and he was recovering and was going to be at a family event. We didn't know if it was staph or what it was, all we knew was that this person had an infection for well over a year, was on iv antibiotics and hospitalized several times. I called the CF clinic and the infectious disease doctor said that as long as there weren't any open sores -- there weren't concerned. I was still edgy, but figured because DS would much rather be off playing with the other kids and not sitting around visiting with the older crowd, he should be okay.


New member
Thanks for all the replies.....we just got back from clinic & I asked his Dr... ...she said pretty much what all of you have said. He does have a little cold right now, coughing a little more so do the rest of we're NOT even going to see them. My grandmother has emphzema..& now I'm worried about her. We go over there every Sunday. Her & Reece play & give kisses. I'll just have to keep my handy Purell Thanks again for all the info.
Leah ~mommy 2 Reece<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">