I have been reading some of the posts on this forum and I have a question that maybe someone can help me with. My son just turned 1 and he has been having constant diarhea. Now when I say constant I mean that he has anywhere from 1-3 stools per day, which I know is normal, but his are always very loose. I would say about 4 times per week he has a completely watery stool. Sometimes there is mucus in his stool, that has been happening off and on since he was born, but the doctor always said it was probably something he ate. They were never concerned since there was no blood in his stool. The loose stools started a month or so ago... He is growing normally. He weighs about 221/2 lbs and is about 30inches tall....I have been researching on the internet to find out why he has the loose stool and I keep running into things about CF. I am not sure what bulky stools are so I don't know if his are...but I was wondering if anyone thinks this sounds abnormal...his doctor/nurses keep telling me that they don't see any red flags but I am just not sure....I keep worrying...I would appreciate any responses you might have...thanks