So,I've been going through all the processes of claiming SSI for DS, and they send me a form to fill out about his PAIN. My son is 4 months old, how do I know wht pain he is in, other than from his severe reflux? I didn't know PAIN was required for claiming SSI for a life threatening condition, like CF. I dont want to call and tell them "well, he doesnt have pain" because he doesnt seem to cry out of pain or anything, except sometimes when hes pooping (TMI, i know! LOL) he mostly strains though when he poops.
I just dont get it and I feel like because he doesnt "tell me" he has PAIN, that we may be denied!!
Any advice? Since, I am not a CFer, I dont know if there are pains you may get that I am not aware of.
I just dont get it and I feel like because he doesnt "tell me" he has PAIN, that we may be denied!!
Any advice? Since, I am not a CFer, I dont know if there are pains you may get that I am not aware of.