New member
Hello everyone,the name is Morgan,im a 15 years old male and have Delta 508 Cystic Fibrosis (lucky Me) throughout life i've actually been doing well but when I hit my teenage years things went downhill. I've never smoked in my life so its nothing like that,but I went from going 3 years without having to go into the hospital where now i've been in twice for full 3 week tune-up's like 3 months apart and Thursday I went for an appointment and my functions were in the 60's and my small airways in the 40's when I used to always max out at 100's and 90's. I know alot of ppl with CF pass at an early age,and I just wanted to know for anyone thats lost someone close with CF wether it be brother or child or whatever....when they died was it sudden or had they battled for a long time? And did they seem at peace or in pain? It'd just be nice to know..I mean dont worry i'm very mature for my age so if anyone would talk about it in detail it would be nice...I mean im really starting to think that my time might be coming within a few years and i'd just like to know these things like were they healthy one minute and then gone the next? If someone doesnt want to talk about this and its gonna bum you out thats completely fine and if you dont want to discuss on here my Email is It'd be nice to know,thanks for listening.