question for parents of cfers


New member
i was just curious if any other parents take any kind of antidepressants?? for the longest time now ive been really tired and dragged out, i was told that maybe i should go to the drs and see if they'd put me on antidepressants, i dont really feel depressed i just feel like my brain is always going 100 miles a hr.. .any suggestions??? btw i have 2 kids one wcf, thanks in advance


New member
Well stress can cause lots of problems. If you don't feel depressed you may not be. I have a 2yr old and 9mo both have cf. It can be stressful. My family doesn't help or even see my kids. Some have ever quit talking to us since my oldest was diagnosed. I had to start to sit down and relax for a few minutes. It helps to take the kids for a drive so we can get out of the house for awhile.


New member
hi i would say dont go on antidepresents if you arnt depressed.

But if you do feel depressed dont leave it u could get yourself in to a rut, then u would need to go to the doctors .
antidepressants dont give u any energy, i would say they made u more tired but they do stop u thinkin as much and gettin worked up ..which is a good think
try eatin foods that give you energy and try and chill..i know its hard with
take care


New member
I think you should make an appointment with your doctor, he/she can help you figure out what is going on. Perhaps you have some low grade depression due to stress, (there are ways to diagnose it) or possibly you have some other medical issue going on. I agree you shouldn't take antidepressants if you aren't depressed (they won't help you then, anyway) but your doctor can help you with the diagnosis and decision. Good luck and take care!


New member
doctors r 2 quick 2 hand out antidepresents but it is a good idea to go, it could be somthing else that is makin u tired
i find the more i sleep the tireder i am, even though im tired and i need sleep... it doesnt do any good.....iv just got used to it.
i actualy have started takin half an hour out when they r in there bed and go for a wee jog its been realy good for a number of things


New member
I just started taking wellbutrin about 2 weeks ago. I really don't think it was because of the "CF", I think it is just everything all together. Money, work, having my 1st child and have her dx with CF... My family all told me that I just wasn't myself. My doctor asked me what I wanted to try (I am a social worker and very familiar with the meds). I actually held the prescription for a month! My husband started effexor, but he needed it for both anxiety and depression. I would say you know yourself better than anyone else. You can always try one and if it doesn't feel right, it may not be the right one for you and yoiu may need another one. But it doesn't hurt to try.


New member
I agree with the writer(s) who said not to go on antidepressants if you are not depressed, however, sometimes it's not that we feel "depressed" just overly tired, short on patience, easily agitated, etc. I would never say it's because of the CF as I also live with 3 people with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), 1 who takes meds for it. But with all that life throws at us on a daily basis, money, jobs, daily stresses, school stuff, familial obligations and relations...etc..we can at times lose ourselves in that. I know for me, I was handling all things for all people and forgetting about myself. As moms (or parents) we need to remember to take care of ourselves, it will just make us better parents in the long run. My oldest was dx with cf about 5 years ago at 9, at about the same time my youngest started displaying alot of ocd behaviours...the husband got laid off, etc... It began to feel that there wasn't enough good times to recurperate between the tough times. I found I didn't have the same patience I used to have so after trying all I could: cutting down on caffiene, alcohol (not much of a drinker anyway), sugar, salt, started exercising more regularly, eating 3-4 meals a day, drinking plenty of water....I went to the doctor...told him all that was going on, how I was feeling and what I had tried to do about as well as what I was hoping would be different. He put me on Effexor and told me that it was a chemical thing and that I shouldn't feel bad. (Boy, did I though! What? Me need "help"? Not me). Needless to say, I am back to my old lovable self and things worked out, as they always do. This may not be the same case for you but if it is, don't feel bad for asking for help. Life is too short to feel bad. Hope this helps.
Gwen, Buggygurls mom


New member
I heard somewhere that all depression can be traced back to guilt. Instead of medicine, let go of the guilt. I gave it all to God and he healed my depression. I think somewhere in each of us is guilt about our children along with all the other reasons women feel guilty for things. Some of those things, we can fix and some we can't but for those we can't, we can share it with God.


New member
" I heard somewhere that all depression can be traced back to guilt"

That is a ridiculous generalization. Clinical depression is by no means related to guilt. I tried to "Pray" away my depression for years, tried to let go anger, and got counseling. All of those helped, but when I was diagnosed with clinical depression and treated, my life changed for the better. Such a broad ignorant generalization is an insult to those who are clinically depressed.

Consult with your doctor about how to deal with your depression. Feeling tired, unmotivated, even having a hard time "shutting your mind up" can be symptoms of depression. When my son was diagnosed I thought I was dealing with it pretty well, but it was quite the opposite. I wanted to sleep all the time, never leave the house, not talk to people, and live in my happy little bubble. It is amazing how easy it is to go through life feeling nothing. I finally worked up the courage to get professional help and I am doing a million times better. I have more energy, I am more Spiritual, I am a better mother. If you do decide to go on antidepressants make sure you get counseling, as well. The two work good together and help you to get over the "slump" easier. I was on antidepressants for about 6 months, and now take them only when needed. You will always have some saddness and depression about your child's CF, but you can enjoy life again and you can find ways to cope a little better.


New member
I don't have a percentage to throw at you, but you must remember that alot of depresion is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Mine was always there I guess but was triggered by a medication change 13 years ago. I got very close to going off the deep end before I realized what was going on. I lost about 20 pounds in 10 days. I didn't eat, nothing tasted good. I got up one morning and started crying...I don't know why and couldn't stop. I called my husband at work and said "I think you better come home." We actually went to the hospital because I was very frightened by the whole thing. I went on antidepressants immediately (but didn't really feel better for about 2-3 takes a while for them to kick in). I am still on the antidepressants now (probably will be for the rest of my life). I have NO DESIRE to ever be where I was 13 years ago again. My doctor says there is no danger or problem to continue to be on them and a large percentage of people that suffer a severe clinical depression will relapse at some time in their life. That scared the hell out of me so I choose to stay on the drugs!


New member
Amen to the last 2 posts. And I completely agree with "moni" as well. I am religious myself, but having suffered w/depression for years, I know for a fact, it won't be "fixed" by dealing with guilt issues or prayer. Bottom line? There is a HUGE genetic component to depression. Like Barbara said, even the slightest chemical imbalance in the brain can really altar our behavior and thinking processes. I would seek the opinion of a psychiatrist, not a general doctor. MD's in the helping field are much more capable of measuring any problems you are having. Good luck.



New member
I have identical twin boys with c.f, and was on antidepressants for over two years. I didnt feel depressed when put on them either, but I was having a really hard time coping with everything. I stopped sleeping, lost alot of weight, started having panic attacks and the shakes. The medication helped take the edge off of things, but none of my symptoms went away completely. I felt better for a while but then it came to the point where my meds were doubled, and then doubled again. I said no more. Went through awful withdrawl when I came off them. About a year after that I tried again, and it was the same thing. Ive been off them now for about a year, and refuse to go back on despite my Drs objections. I still have really bad days where I feel like Im being engulfed, but I just try to take it one day at a time.