Question on babies aspirating??


New member
Has anyone ever had there baby aspirate?? and if so what symptoms did they have?? We were up all night he slept about 1 hr stretches and wont eat his formula only his cereal. Last night Ashton would cough then he would loose his breath a little bit?? and would slightly tremble almost like we do when we get a cold chill.. I have a call into the Dr but of course i have to have the real worlds opinion also!!!! his formula used to be thickened but they stopped because he was doing fine when they tried to thicken it less!! If you have had a baby aspirate what did they do for it?? He does also have a slight cough and congestion!!

thanks everyone
ashton 5mo with cf
abbi 5yo without


New member
Does he have a fever? DS would lose interest in eating when he'd get an ear infection. He'd stop eating. Get a little quieter or crankier. Then I'd notice he'd have a low grade fever. Took him in to the doctor and he'd have a fever.

His first symptom would alway be stop taking the bottle.



New member
His fever last PM was 99.9 under his arm! so not much.. did DS loose interest in his cereal also!! Just the way he was breathing worried me just a little bit!



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I don't think DS ever aspirated, but I remember being so scared, watching and listing to DS breathe, counting number of breaths per minute. Babies do breathe faster when they have a fever.

With tiny babies ears and sinuses all seem to be related. Nose and ears could be draining into his throat. With the fever and his age IMO, I'd take him in. In the meantime have you increased CPT to beat that cough out of him?

DS got bronchtis when he was about 3 months old and his doctor told us to do regular CPT every four hours and even just do mini cpt without nebs when we were holding him to get stuff moving out.



New member
thank you for his input! yea his cough isnt to bad and he hasent eaten this amso i dont know how he will react to that so i will see.. thats usually the only time he has the breathing problems and all i remeber was that last night when it was happening his heart was racing i couldnt even count the beats



New member

An axuillary temperature is 1 degree below an oral temp. so his true temperature was 100.9. That's a good fever for a little guy, especially when he has some other symptoms. I would definately be calling the doctor and trying to get in.

I know it's difficult to do, but the rectal temperature is going to give you the most accurate reading as it is his core temperature. If you can bear to do it, I would check his temp. rectally-provided you haven't give tylenol or anything to lower the fever.

A normal heart rate for an infant, up to about 18-24 months is anywhere from 125-145 beats per minute and it's most accurately checked on an infant and their carotid artery (on the neck). If you know what Ashtons normal heart beat is and he is faster than normal, plus a fever plus eating problems, I would definately say to get him in.

Keep us posted


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Is this the first time Ashton has gotten a fever and congestion? I was just in a panic the first time it happened to DS. Fever was 99.9 (armpit) and he wouldn't eat -- was about 4-5 months old and he'd spent the first 6 weeks of life in the hospital, so I was worried sick. I felt silly taking him in for such a low fever, but in my heart I knew there just wasn't something quite right.

Doctor looked in his ear and said, oh yeah, ear infection. It was such a relief to find out DS had something "normal". Before that my imagination was running wild.



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Sophia aspirated in her lungs when she an infant. She had a severe milk allergy at the time and was throwing up a bunch. She had pneumonia at five months old that they said was in part due to aspirating. She did not run a fever with the pneumonia. She just started acting like she was having a hard time breathing and her ribs were retracting.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">null</a><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Damien showed fluid on hes lung 2 clinics ago (credited cf clinic) And hes doctor asked me if I turned hes bottle upside down would it drip out? No @27 cal pregestimil is pretty thick. I have been giving him a little sip water after xopenax per instructions on pamplet. I noticed even a tiny bit he would turn alittle red and act as if it took hes breath away so i just drop a drop in hes mouth instead of a little suck. I was told its to thin dont do it anymore he has inhaled food/water in to hes lungs, aspirating from water or to thin of formula. I know nothing about aspirating,I had never heard of it before that day.I hope it helps anyway god bless.