question on heating with a keroseen heater


New member
I forgot to write before I sent it. I am wondering if any one has used a keroseen heater around a child with cf? Can it cause breathing problems,infections or anything. Saydee will be 1 yr. in Nov. We usually use a keroseen heater in the beginning of the cooler days before the cold realy sets in to take chill and dampness off in the house. With the fuel prices up so much we need to save as much as possible. I need answers please positive and negative. Thanks Katina


New member
I havent personally used a kerosene heater, but I have been in places that do. It hurts my chest, puts me into an asmtha attack, leaves me feeling like crap & down right stinks (literally!). I cant say it has caused infections, but it definitely makes it easy to create a problem.