Question on the vest (made by hill-rom)


New member
<p class="msonormal">Ok, so I finally have my vest in my
possession.  I LOVE my vest...I'm grateful for my vest. I'm so
lucky to have it. You get the point....

<p class="msonormal">I am using the short vest right hurts
my ears and my ribs. I'm 5'2" and weight 130 lbs. I have the
setting on 13 hz (frequency) and 6 pressure. I use it for 45 mins
at a time (same amt of time it takes me to do my nebs). I don't
want to turn the frequency/pressure too low because I want to get a
really good "beating"...... but even when it is lowered it still hurts
my ears.

<p class="msonormal">Any suggestions or comments??


New member
I had to turn the presure down on my vest when I first started using it and build up to what they wanted me to use. It was hurting my ribs at a setting of 5. I went down to 4 and it still hurt and then settled on 3. I still got a decent beating but was able to feel comfortable. After few weeks at 3 I was able to set it at 4 and after a few months at 4 I went to 5. I tend to like it at 4 better cause I am able to take deeper breathes and feel like stuff loosens more at 4 than 5.
I would just try playing around with the settings to see what feels okay. Then as you use it more you will probably be able to increase the settings. I know that worked well for me anyway.



New member
I've never experienced my ears hurting when doing the vest. I think you should mentioned that to your doc. As far as the pressure goes, I like to use it right at the point where I can still take a deep enough breath for the breathing meds and get a really good shake. I think this is relative for everyone depending on how they're doing at that point. Try to get it as high as possible while still feeling taking a good breath in.

Glad you have it now and like it.


New member

I think my daughter has hers set at only 1 or 2 ! I can't check it out right now because she has the machine and she is traveling, but I do remember she cannot turn it up as high as they have recommended. Also she only does 20-30 minutes at a time ~ does it hurt you the entire 45 minutes? If not, maybe just try turning the pressure down and stopping after 20-30 minutes.

Good luck!