Question. Please Help


New member
Hi my names clinton and im a 21 year old from australia but am
living in missouri to go to college. i have been a national level
sprinter for years so i practice alot. since 1999 i have had
numerous chest infections which leads to pneumonia. i have been
hospitalized since then for over a week at least 14 times. i have
been diagnosed with asthma, Bronchiectasis  and acute
bronchiopulmonary  aspergillosis.    i fall
right into the cystic fybrosis  category as i constantly have
a cough, have constant phlegm, have salty tasting skin and i eat so
so much food yet i am 142 pounds.<br>
i have been tested 6 years ago for cf and was negative, can that
over the last month i can not even run 100m without taking 15
minutes to recover because my chest kills me and i cant get any air
in, i get tired, sore joints and it is really worrying me. in my
recent spirometry tests last week i was sitting at 50% whichc is
terrible. does anyone have any idea to what it can be as i am very
very worried about my condition 


New member
how tall was the concentration of the ions (chlorid and sodium) ?
was it a real negativ result or was it in the "could be could not be" aera?
if it was in the real negativ aera then I think you dont have cf but if it was in the other aera i would repeat the test and perhaps make a genetic test

lg anouk


New member
All I know is that there is a such thing as a false negative, but never a false positive. Is there history of CF in your family? Could you go for a 2nd opinion at an accredited CF centre, and get the test redone? You might want to try a blood test as well. Those are more accurate then a salt test. That is the test you got 6 years ago right? - a salt test? I would suggest going to an accredited CF centre and get the test redone.


New member
I agree with Liz. Go to a credited CF Center (go to <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> , click on your state, and list of centers should show up), make an appointment, and get the sweat test done again, as well as a blood test. Its better to get tested and know something than to continue wondering, especially if you feel there maybe something there.


New member
Hi Clinton,
Now allow me to make this clear...this is just my story and it may give you some direction, not diagnosis.

From birth on I was missed diagnosed...I was a very sickly child with some CF symptoms...low weight included. Salty skin the works...but sweat test always came back normal. They finally did a biopsy of my lungs...I have a form of Cf called immobile cilia syndrome. It is very rare and is just what the words moving cilia therefore...LOTS of Infections! They have treated me as a CFer ever since. Finally success. Now recently, less then a year ago...DNA test. Show I do have the CF gene. And this was just with a blood test...cake right?

All in all I lead a fairly healthy life with nebs and infections...but hey...I am now 33 and have problems with too MUCH weight!

Good luck to you. I hope all goes well and you find some answers soon.


New member
hi clinton my name is dani. dont be afraid about it living with cf is hard, but it is nothing to worry about. you learn to live with it.
