

New member
Okay I know everyone has tried the robitussin thing and I was wondering which kind to get. I hardly ever look in the cough and cold aisle so I don't even know what there is for choices. I've also heard of taking mucinex. Anybody try that? Can you take either one as long as you want? We got the okay in January to start trying and I want to make sure I've tried everything to try and get pregnant. My periods are very regular so I have an idea about when I ovulate so I just want more help please!



i do believe i used robitussin dm. yup...just looked i used robitussin dm. good luck!



The active ingredient is the same thing in either the robitussen or the Mucinex. And you don't need to take it your whole cycle. Have you tried charting? Basically you only need to take the Mucinex/Robitussen a few days a month around ovulation. I usually ovulated around day 21/22 so I would start taking it around day 17 or so (or if I ovulated on day 14 then I'd start around day 10). I don't think there would be any problem taking it a few days a month for several months (or however long it takes you to get pregnant). Its not like you need to be on it every day of your cycle. As soon as you know you ovulated then stop taking it.

I found taking Mucinex much easier because it is just a pill and not some nasty liquid (and you have to take A LOT of the liquid). I think I took it twice a day but maybe more - can't remember.

Good luck!!
Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie to this group! I am 31 with CF/rD. My husband and I got the okay to start trying from my CF dr. and right now I am in the proess of tightening my sugars with the endro in order to start trying.

I have been watching my cycle and ovulation for about a year now. My cycle is every 27 days. I rarely go over. My question is, how do I really know when I am ovulating? When I look at the CM, and I think it is ovulation CM, it is usually about 5 or 7 days before my expected period. Can that be right?

Just a quick backround, My husband and I have been together for 6 years. We eloped in June 07 and are now having a small ceremony in the Bahamas on May 18, 08. I do not work, I went out on SSDI in 2005. We plan on TTC on our "honeymoon"...

Thanks for your help!




Hi! I'm super excited that you're going to TTC soon!

As for your cycle- start charting now. The only real way to know when you ovulate is to track it via your temperatures. If you are seeing fertile cm a few days before your period it could me one of a few different things - either you ARE ovulating at that time and if so your luteal phase is way too short to get pregnant. Or you are ovulating earlier and just having fertile cm later in the cycle as well.

If your luteal phase is too short (also called a luteal phase defect) then you need to see your doctor. Its pretty simple to fix - you just need progesterone supplements after you ovulate.

Get the book "taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler. I think it is a must read for every woman - TTC or not. Good luck with everything <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Thanks for the quick response!

I am going to buy the book, and I bought the pre-seed, so we are ready to go! lol! Last visit at the OB/Gyn, she told me the CM was thin and should'nt be a problem. Also to try for a few months, and if nothing is happening to consider the IUI.

I will start charting so I know for sure. I joined a website, to help see when I ovulate.According to them I should be ovulating around day 12 of my cycle, but my symptoms come a few days later, like 16-18.

Thanks again!



Just FYI another good (free) charting site is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">