r u sick of how other people treat u


New member
sometimes it gets on my nerves when people think that cf is contagious
does any1 treat u like that

love dani<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
People that dont know what CF is or why I cough like I do treat me like I have some horrible, tropic disease. Understandably so since there have been many times I have been near people who sound like they could give me one hell of a cold. I try to use these times to educate people about my CF & what it is. Of course that way isnt for everyone since many people are private about their CF. I am not one of those people. I would rather have people know why I cough like that then come up with their own reasons!


New member
I have had people to take a few steps away from me as soon as I said "I have CF". I usually say right after that you cant catch it (unless i want them to go away...j/k). You have to be born with it. Your safe. And tell them the basics (effects ur lungs and other organs, specially since my coughing is what scares ppl) about it and see if they have any questions. For people that still dont believe me, I have told people that it is kinda like asthma (for those who have asthma, please do not get upset, most people know what asthma is and asthma is more common that cf) in the fact that it effects my lungs but you cant catch it. I later add about digestive issues, specially if they see me eat and take meds.


New member
People really don't treat me any different than a normal person. I think it just goes about how you explain it. If you tell them you have a 'disease' they will probably freak out. I always make sure i tell them that it is a GENETIC disease, throwing that in there makes it a LOT different. Also, include that it is not contagious... right when you tell them. I always say.. "I have a non-contagious genetic disease called CF". It sounds really lame, but it makes people treat me with a LOT more respect. But if people treat you differently, pull them to the side and tell them that you have no need to be treated differently than anyone else. It's wrong.. and if they can't adapt to it.. then oh well.


New member
why is yall worried bout wat other people think thats the problem 2day. everyone is worreid about wat people think. if it aint gonna change your life dont worry bout it for real though who cares not me.


New member
yea i have been treated differently so many different times its unbelievable. but i just get on with it now. if people cant deal with the fact that you have a condition like c.f. then they aint worth the hastle!!
you will always get people who dont have a clue and make stupid comments like can i catch it?
thats a nasty smokers cought!!
i could go on for ever with the amount of things that people have, i just deal with it and move on!! its the best way!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
