I have this everyday. Whenever I focus on it, my heart seems to race. I've also been told its my 2 treatments a day of albuterol.
I also had heart palpitations and talked with both a psychiatrist friend and my cardiologist about it. I had an ECHO. All was fine. My psychiatrist told me it could very well be stress. I told her I hadn't been stressed at the time the really bad racing and palpatations happened (as a matter of fact, I had just gotten OVER some VERY stressful things), and she said it is normal to feel this way and it will just kinda happen. Kinda like when you're done with a big test for school or presentation and you let your guard down and you get a bad cold. Its the same with your heart. You finally can let your guard down and BAM! You have palpitations or racing. And, its not even instant or when you'd expect it. Mine was the same night the stressors were releived, but the doc said it can happen weeks after stress is removed and be completely out of the blue.
So, don't stress too much. If a heart monitor would help, go for it. Peace of mind is usually a great remedy. Otherwise, I'd suggest just keeping an eye on it. And, see if it happens around treatment times or when your "guard" is down. Try to pinpoint the cause and you'll probably find it on your own. I would say if it isn't accompanied by pain or any other warning signs, you're probably just stressed or have leftover meds in your body or something benign like that.
FYI: My resting HR has always been around 100.... I've had numerous tests done and all came back ok. Sometimes there is no explanation for these things. Just freaky.