Rapid weight gain?


New member
My daughter Meghan has had a huge increase in weight over the past year. About 30 lbs. She has done steroids and just recently they took her off of all inhaled steroids, and changed her anxiety medication from Lexapro to Celexa. I know that Lexapro is a appetite increasing drug and she was always hungry. But she still is. She stopped her last steroid burst on the 13th of May. How long does it take for the weight to come off? I was told that she would never gain weight like this. She went from size 8 at the end of last summer to a size 14 now. You can imagine what this is doing to her self image being 9 yrs old. We talk positive about it but her stomach is very distended and she is starting to notice.

I did take her to an edocronologist and he said that this is all cushionoid. He did not do blood work at the time. Should I be concerned? At clinic they think this is great weight gain and really get excited, but my intuition tells me something else is going on? Her sister is almost the same height as her and she is 7 with CF. It used to be hard to keep weight on her. Oh, she is also taking Itraconazole for Asperguillus. Anyone experiencing this or have in the past?


New member
I don't know anything about the medicine she was on but I do know they told my sister they didn't want my niece to gain weight to fast... she was diagnosed in february and has gained about 5 pounds since then...so she would probably gain 15-20 pounds in a year 30 pounds sounds like an awful lot...how old is she...and is she tall? does she take enzymes? soory I don't have a answer just some personal experience.