really formed stools


New member
Hello everyone to start off ashton is doing great!!! the only thing that i have noticed is today he has not had much of n ppetite for his solids which he has been dowing full jars for the pst couple of weeks.. it may be teething but im not sure.. also today his stools have been very formed?? he does often but then there is just a big clump of it (sorry to gross you out) usually his re formed but they dont stick to him and line the diaper now they are opposite?? just wondering with the appetite decreasing and the stools what you all have experinced???


New member
One day of hard stools wouldn't worry me. Appetite and feeding habits vary so much in babies and toddlers I'm sure the pooper is just followin' suit ;-)

Questions you may want to explore if it continues or seems to go toward constipation: Has his nursing or bottle intake changed? Have you been in hot weather alot...maybe a little more nursing or water between feedings might help. Prunes (pureed) can help get things moving if he starts getting constipated. Do you add any oils to his fruit/veggies? Maybe just a few little drops of olive/flax/walnut oil might get him back on track (not a lot)?

Just some thoughts. Some times on occasion Ben surprises us with full out dry little rabbit turds! I nice repreeve from sticky toddler poop! Those little ones can be pugnent though...wheeew weee. Okay, if you can't laugh about poop and farts when you have a CFer, than your missin out for sure...we love that stuff in our family. Grosser the better.



New member
wow i cant believe more people didnt respond to this?? there re lots of moms on here and im sure that they have experienced this to some degree.. i got help from the other site though so i think i will stick with there..................................


Staff member
We had constipation issues off and on -- sometimes it'd be a vicious cycle -- normal enzymes, decrease in eating, decrease in poo. But you don't want to decrease or mess around with enzymes too much cuz then there's the sticky poo in the intestines factor. We were told by our doctor to give DS some milk of mag a couple times a day until things started moving again.

So if increasing fiber -- fruits and prune juice, don't work. You may want to contact the doctor and see what they suggest. Prune juice and prunes never worked for us, so we'd go the milk of mag route. A friend of mine's granddaughter gets miralax every days to keep things moving.

Used to drive me nuts 'cuz the nurses/doctors would always tell us "you'll know if he's malabsorbing because of the poop -- it won't look normal". I swear the first 2 years his poop didn't look anything close to normal to me.


New member
yea it never looks like my first childs poo did!! but this was definatly more formed than it has ever been then the vomiting just topped it off.. ive called the GI dr to see what she wants me to do cuz with his surgeries he does have narrowing in his bowel in a couple of spots so we will see


Staff member
DS also was born with meconium illeus and had to have surgery after he was born and I can remember being terrified that he'd have problems again and need surgery. First time he started to have constipation issues he was 4 months old and xrays showed he was full of stool, but he'd still been pooping on a regular basis and a LOT of it wasn't very well formed. Thus the beginning of milk of mag off and on. Got to the point where we just got used to the signs, so we'd know to start trying to clean him out with cherry flavored MOM twice a day. And yes, he would vomit, so I'd get even more freaked out - but then shortly afterwards it'd be a big poo fest and we'd be back to normal. I also think that on top of trying to figure out the enzymes, constipation issues -- that DS became a poop holder because he'd associate stooling with pain, so that would also cause problems.

Good Luck! Liza


New member
be careful with MOM, it is a stimulant so therfore the body will need more and more of it. When my daughter was younger, non cf, I gave her MOM and by the time she was a year it had pretty much quite working. So I took her to a ped GI doc and he gave her miralax, and told me that the MOM would work for a while but her body would need more and more og it to continue to work. So I would ask your doc for a perscription of miralax.


Staff member
We were under the direction of his physician and it was used once in awhile. If the MOM didn't work, then we were told to contact them to try some other options.

MOM is a saline type laxative. Meaning the magnesia acts to pull a salt or saline solution into the intestines from the blood. This excessive fluid then provides a flushing or laxative action within the intestines. Similar to miralax, which is also an osmotic laxative, but only available by prescription.

In any event, I just wanted to reassure Ashton's mom that sometimes it's plain old ordinary poop backed up and not something worse like another obstruction.



New member
we went to the MD because of the holiday weekend and us going out of the state and when they pushed on his belly he didnt like it at all.. so they did KUB and it was completely normal.. YAY!! so she told me to jsut watch him and see how he does!


New member
I am glad his intestines are clear. One less thing to worry about because God knows us CF mums have to tick every box we can think of.

I just wanted to tell you of my recent experience with my 8 month old CFer. She too is a really good eater but a couple of weeks ago she had a few days where se just wouldn't eat much at all. I am talking a mouthful or two and then the whinging would start. I should have seen the signs really but she was happy otherwise. Suddenly she came out in spots everywhere....was still happy but full of little red spots. So I took her to the GP and it turned out she had caught a mild virus that gave her that reaction and her only other symptom - a sore throat! Told you I should have figured it out. So the issue rectified itself within a couple of days and then she was back to normal with her eating again.

So maybe it's a sore throat, or maybe your 8 month is just being a normal fussy baby who likes to keep you on your toes. Either way I hope the situation works itself out for you.