recommend a percussor


New member
<p class="msonormal">I have a 4 ½ year old daughter which we do
manual chest physio 2 times daily when healthy and 4 to 6 times
daily when ill.  My wife has developed repetitive strain
injuries in both wrists and my hands aren't so hot either. 
Thinking of using a percussor for some of the therapies (so long as
she is healthy) to give a chance for our injuries to heal. 
Can anyone recommend a percussor?  Are there any to stay away

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">Thanks for your input.


New member
I use a Flimm Fighter percussor. Its about 4 years old, so I'm not sure if this brand is still available, etc. But it works great though.


New member
I have a Flimm Fighter percussor too they should be still avalibale. I just got a new one about 7 months ago, they've been around of awhile now. But I think you should probably talk to your childs CF Doctor. he will know whats best for your child. I only say this because I remember having a similar machine to the flimm fighter percussor when I was a child and I hated it (this is going back like 20 years at least though) I thought it hurt when my parents used it on me, but technology has change alot since then and they probably have a machine now like a percssor for Children. Thats why I say talk to your childs Doctor he should know the best thing for your child, and if you live where it is covered they will just probably supply you with what you need anyway, thats how I got mine. I hope I help you out a little, good luck with everything. Or and I don't know where you live but maybe you can get the Vest for your child, but some place you have to buy them, I think the vest comes in all sizes, maybe that could be another option for your family.